Saturday, September 14, 2024

September Update -- 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.  

: We celebrated Faith's twenty-second birthday in August with cards and prayer for her.

In September, we went to Virginia Beach for two days. We had good weather and a pleasant stay, despite some challenges. While we were there, we went for walks along the beach at non-peak times when there were much fewer people, and walked with our feet in the water. We  also went bicycling along the board walk, enjoyed seeing the sunrise over the ocean, having fellowship together, quiet time with the Lord, and family devotions.

While we were there, Len had the opportunity one evening to witness to a young lady from China named Rebecca at a gift shop, and then to a man from Turkey named Nuri at an ice cream place, both of whom were employed at these places. They listened very well to the gospel message that Len presented to them. Praise the Lord for giving us that great opportunity, as this was the first time they heard the gospel. Let's pray they both come to know the Lord.

Unfortunately, Christopher was unable to join us at the beach due to his work. Regarding the injury to his fingers that we previously reported, the Lord has healed the deformation of the fingertips and he is noticing progress in terms of the pain lessening when they are touched, as well as improvement in normal sensation there, so please continue to pray for a full restoration with no pain or loss of feeling. 

Joseph is in his ninth year of homeschool (i.e., high school freshman), and is taking a course in carpentry with a brother in Christ we know named Derrick, who has his own business as a handyman. His first project was to help Derrick build a set of shelves, which they installed in someone's home. Their next project is to build a small house.

Ministry: In August, Len traveled to Manchester, New Hampshire on ministry for a few days. Here is Len's testimony of the trip:

On the flight from Charlotte to Manchester, I sat beside an off-duty, pilot named Captain Brian. The following day, I went to the Manchester airport, and left a copy of my testimony, a tract, and a brief note for him in an envelope that I gave to a Southwest airlines supervisor, who promised to get it to Captain Brian.

Coincidentally, on my next flight from Baltimore to Manchester, I was sitting next to an off-duty flight attendant, named Megan. Since she was very open to the gospel, I witnessed to her throughout the entire one-hour flight. I shared the full message of the gospel with her, and answered all her questions. She said she was willing to surrender her life to Jesus Christ. But when I asked if she was ready to invite Him to come and live inside her heart to be her Lord and Savior, she hesitated a bit. So I gave her a gospel tract and suggested she count the cost first, then make a decision for Christ as soon as possible. I also gave her my business card and encouraged her to read my blogs, listed on the back of it.

The next day, I met with Henry Demers at Harmony Home, which is his ministry to the homeless in Manchester. He wanted to receive the holy fire, so I prayed for him to receive it, and he did in a wonderful, powerful way that lingered for hours afterward. He introduced me to Sunshine the immigration attorney, her daughter and paralegal assistant, and Fouad, another paralegal. Sunshine said she had just been praying three weeks ago about this. She had told the Lord that she speaks in tongues, but wasn’t sure if she was baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire. So she asked the Lord to send someone to pray for her to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. When she met me that day as I arrived, she didn’t know anything about me, but later in the office, when she found out I was praying for Henry to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire, she asked for me to pray for her, too. Only afterward did she reveal that she had been praying recently for the Lord to send someone to pray for her to receive these gifts from God. She had a wonderful experience as well, and so did her daughter and Fouad. They testified about it afterward briefly on video, which I later posted on my Youtube channel

I also discovered that I knew Fouad, and have spoken to him in the past. I knew his parents, Jacob and Dekra, from Iraq, who live in Manchester. I have been to their home and they have eaten at my home years ago before we went to Hungary as missionaries. This was another one of many divine appointments that happened during the trip. We also prayed together as a group in that same room, and then upstairs in Sunshine's law office. 

In the evening, after dinner, I ended up witnessing to two Mormon missionaries downtown on Elm Street, who tried to capture me into their cult, but they did not seem open at all to the gospel, as is usually the case with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

I met again the next afternoon with Henry Demers at Harmony Home, and ministered deliverance to a little girl (name omitted for security reasons) who was hearing voices telling her to do evil things. She was listening to them and doing what they told her to do. After leading her to pray and give her life to Jesus, I then cast out the demons, and prayed for her to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Then I led her guardian (name omitted for security reasons), to pray and give her life to Jesus, since she wanted to do so publicly. Afterwards, I prayed for her to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which she did, which was glorious as she spoke in tongues aloud. I also imparted holy fire to her guardian, who received in a very powerful way, experiencing heat all over her body. She felt wonderful and refreshed, and even later as we were sitting and talking about it, she said she felt a cool breeze wafting over onto her from my direction. 

She said that she had been praying that same morning that the Lord would send someone to Harmony Home who could minister to the little girl. Then she saw that Henry had posted my photo on the Facebook Messenger Group for Harmony Home, and mentioned what he experienced yesterday after I prayed for him. So she texted him asking if he thought I could pray for the girl, which I immediately agreed to do. So the fact that the Lord sent me on this day in immediate answer to her prayers for the girl is amazing. After I prayed for the girl, the Lord gave me a word of knowledge that her parents were involved in witchcraft. I discovered that they are Satanists, and that the girl herself has been practicing witchcraft, casting spells. So I led her to pray a renunciation prayer, then broke all the curses off of her. 

We then went with a large group of volunteers to do street ministry in several local, city parks among the homeless poor. I shared the gospel with a few people, handed out tracts, and handed out food and clothing in Jesus’ name. I had a very good conversation with a homeless man named Brandon and his girlfriend Kirsten, who seemed ready to get saved. 

After the street ministry, Henry and I reconvened at Harmony Home with the girl, her guardian, and a sister in Christ named Sarah. I also imparted holy fire to Sarah, who owns a restaurant in Manchester with her husband, and is a volunteer at Harmony Home. She felt a calm serenity inside her heart as I prayed for her. Then we noticed that the little girl had fallen asleep on the chair, and her guardian said this normally doesn’t happen, as the girl usually only sleeps a couple hours each night, and doesn’t fall asleep out in public like this. So we knew that the Lord had delivered her and brought peace to her heart. I also prayed for healing for the little girl's celiac disease, and her guardian's rheumatoid arthritis.

We also prayed together as a group. As I left the building, Mike, a homeless man I had met and gotten to know throughout the evening, said to me, 'I’ll never forget you, Len.'" 

To God be all the glory for what He did in New Hampshire. Please pray for the little girl and her guardian, especially for their protection from all harm, for healing from their diseases, and that the demons will not return to the girl. Please also pray that the fire would continue to burn in those who received, especially Henry, Sunshine, her daughter, Fouad, Sarah, and the girl's guardian. You may watch testimonies of their baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire at this video playlist link.

Len also ministered to a brother named Anson here in our home state after returning from New Hampshire. Here is his very brief testimony of what the Lord did for him that evening. Praise the Lord!

As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

Brother Henry, one of our students in South Sudan, has just finished his three years of DTS training.  He has been serving the Lord in South Sudan throughout the entire training period. He and his wife had a serious, life threatening accident recently, but the Lord spared them. They had walked to a certain location to counsel someone, and upon their return home, as they were crossing back over a shallow stream they had crossed earlier without any problem, a huge flood of rushing water suddenly came along and swept them away. They do not know how to swim, but by the grace of God a bystander rescued them. They lost everything they were carrying on them, including his smartphone, which is such an important device needed for his ministry. But the Lord provided for him to replace it. Praise the Lord for saving their lives and providing for a new phone!

When he enrolled in the DTS three years ago, he said he was enrolling because, "I have a desire to be a disciple of Christ, to win souls to Christ, and also to make disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ." Now that he has completed his intensive discipleship training with us, Len asked him if he met his goal. He wrote the following testimony to Len in response to that question:

"Dear brother Len,

I always say I am grateful because I have achieved a lot.

By the grace of God, many souls have come to Christ from the time I joined DTS, before I had the desire but it was hard to take a step, but through acquiring knowledge from DTS, the fear went away, I have arranged several open air evangelism and many have given their lives to Jesus, we have seen people receiving healing and also accepting Jesus as their Lord and savior, we have people who accepted Jesus Christ and they're to be baptized this month.

In conclusion, I confirm I have achieved the goal and am still pressing on to bring many to Christ through end time messages, repentance, and holiness.

Yours faithfully,
Bro. Henry."

Hallelujah! God is so awesome. Look what the Lord has done. We are so blessed to see him finish his training successfully and hear how he is putting it all into practice. To God Be all the glory forever. Amen.

Sister Catherine, who is one of our third-year DTS students in England, sent the following email to Len in early September: 

"Dear broth Len and sister Jennifer 

Some of us (in our LTG) have been to Manchester City Street witnessing…This afternoon, a lady called Heidi got saved while we were street witnessing. Her Aunt had died and she was asking questions about death and where we go in the next life, so I told her and gave my testimony. She wants to meet for coffee next week and talk about joining a Church. Thank and Praise our Lord.

Praying for you all.
Bless you all.

With love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sis Catherine"

Praise the Lord for saving Heidi in Manchester, England! The angels in heaven are rejoicing and so are we.

Another one of our students, Rebecca in Uganda, finished her three years of discipleship training in our school. When she first came to us three years ago, applying for enrollment, she said the reason she wanted to enroll was "To learn more on discipleship which will equip me to help others as well, making disciples of all nations."  

When she was asked, after completing her training, whether her goal was met, here is how she replied:

"Dear brother Len,

Yes that goal has been achieved, because even as I have been doing the courses, I kept sharing the gospel to others and also discipling some, and by the grace of God I have been appointed to lead the discipleship team for children workers at my work place. I really needed this knowledge and I am trusting God to help me continue doing what I have learnt here.

Sis Rebecca."

Praise the Lord for helping her successfully fulfill her goal of being equipped for service to the King.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in September to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to Germany two weeks after this newsletter is published. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory and provide for them. 

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing Len's trip to Manchester, New Hampshire, and touching the lives of those he ministered to.
  2. For our short time at the beach and chance to witness to Rebecca and Nuri.
  3. For the healing process that is taking place in Christopher's fingers, that there is no apparent nerve damage, that he didn't cut off any of them, and that he had no adverse effects from the antibiotics.
  4. For the amazing testimonies of all our DTS students and graduates, especially the souls saved. 
  5. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  6. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to save Rebecca from China and Nuri from Turkey, whom Len witnessed to, as well as Captain Brian and Megan, the flight attendant.
  2. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field, as well as help him with all of his many responsibilities.
  3. For the Lord to heal Christopher's fingers completely with no pain or loss of feeling, form or functionality.
  4. For the Lord to bless our upcoming graduation ceremony for brother Henry and sister Rebecca with His presence.
  5. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  6. For the Lord to give us wisdom and assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  7. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  8. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the remainder of 2024.
  9. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to Berlin, Germany in September, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in Him preaching the gospel with great boldness, confirmed by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without delay or incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August Update -- 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.  

: In June, we reported that Christopher (pictured left) had severely injured three of his fingers at work in the deli, cutting them deeply enough that they were bleeding profusely and needed several stitches. He has since had the stitches removed, and the wounds are healing. However, there is still deformation of the fingertips and pain, as well as loss of normal sensation there due to the deepness of the lacerations, so please pray for a full restoration with no pain or loss of feeling, form, or function. 

Ministry: In July, Len traveled to Amarillo, Texas on ministry for a few days, where there is a significant homelessness population. He spent time there with a dear brother in Christ he knows, named Raymond Gonzalez (pictured below), a staff member who has served for many years at a rescue mission, known as Faith City Mission (FCM), and is now the Chief Liaison Officer there.  

Here is Len's testimony of the ministry trip to Texas:

"I p
reached in chapel at Faith City Mission's Ranch in Amarillo, Texas, and shared my salvation testimony. My message was from the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25), regarding the need for the Bride to make herself ready. I imparted holy fire to a student named Angel afterwards, and she suddenly felt a great heat throughout her body. Praise the Lord! During the worship in chapel at the opening of the service, I sensed the presence of the Lord, and when Jena Taylor, Director of Development, got up to speak, she commented that the presence of the Lord had been tangible during the worship. After the service, Len and Jena's assistant laid hands on Jena and prayed for healing.

"I had lunch with Raymond and the leaders of the mission. I later shared with others at dinner about the core of the church and making disciples via Life Transformation Groups (LTGs) as we do in the DTS. At the request of Raymond, I also shared with an FCM graduate and 'missionette', named Mario, regarding LTGs. I prayed for an FCM student, named Andrew, imparting holy fire to him. He also suddenly experienced a great heat from the Lord throughout his body, including his hands, and a tingling sensation on his forehead. I also gave him a copy of my book, A Willing Heart to Please the Father. I also gave a copy of my book to Nathan, the security guard.

"FCM is located in the midst of a depressed part of town where there is a lot of drug addiction and homelessness. While there are hundreds of homeless people there, it is still only a fraction of the thousands of homeless people in Albuquerque, to where I had recently traveled prior to this. 

"I went street witnessing a few blocks from the mission with Raymond Gonzalez. There I had the privilege of leading an elderly man named Bradford, who was in a wheelchair, to recommit his life to Jesus. He was so grateful afterward for that and thanked me deeply with a big smile. I also prayed for new knees for Tanya who said she was baptized in water once and knows the Lord. She was in a wheelchair, too. I also prayed with a homeless man named Ray to recommit his life to Jesus. I also prayed for healing for Theodore, a homeless Army veteran of the Iraq war, because he had been severely injured by a wild dog that attacked him in his sleep after someone threw a cup of water on the dog sleeping next to him. I'm very grateful for what the Lord did on this ministry trip to Texas. By the grace of God I am what I am, as the apostle said, and His grace to me was not without effect. I worked —yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me." 

Please pray for Bradford and Ray, who recommitted their lives to Jesus, that the Lord would help them remain faithful to Him for the rest of their lives, and for the Lord to heal Brad's arm and Theodore's leg, and Jena Taylor, as Len prayed. Please pray that the Lord would speak to all those who got a copy of Len's book. And pray that the Lord would keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning brightly in the lives of Angel and Andrew. If you would like to watch and listen to the message that Len preached in chapel at FCM's Ranch, you may do so at this video link.

As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

In July, Len received the following praise report from sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England. 

"Dear brother Len and sister Jennifer.

This study on Is Obedience Optional? is so vitally important, as without obedience  we forfeit our salvation. I read John 15: 10-11 and 1 John 2: 5-6. Then I read Jeremiah 31:3, [which] reminds me of when I met Jesus in Heaven face to face. He showed me so much love that my heart's desire is to obey him...  

So with our Lord's help I have a heart to witness to the lost. The trip to Rochdale was a great blessing. We had a morning service, then we went out to witness in the town, near the market and a few people got saved. A single mother of two teenagers was especially keen to learn more about becoming a Christian, and a few other older people got saved.

Thank and praise our Lord. Bless you all.

With love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sis Catherine."

Glory to God for saving those people in Rochdale through the street evangelism of sister Catherine and those who went with her.  Reaching the lost with the gospel is truly the Lord's heartbeat and burden.

Brother Henry, one of our students in South Sudan wrote the following testimony to Len in July after reading Supernatural Power for All Disciples:

"Dear bro Len,

 All disciples have a right to walk in the supernatural...When you receive the Holy Spirit then you can walk in the supernatural.
I have testimonies about this. It requires faith. I was praying with someone who [was so weak that she had to be] carried. This lady could not even lift up her hands, but I prayed and told her, 'God has already healed you, you are now fine.' But I want to give God all the glory, [because] this lady is now completely fine. In my [region], whoever comes in the area with a [health] complication, the community refers the person to the church that I am leading; and I now believe that when you believe in Jesus, nothing is impossible."

He also testified about what's been happening during his evangelistic crusade:

"There's a girl, around 17 years old, who received deliverance during our open air [crusade]. The mother decided to hand over the girl to the church. After a month's stay...she fell sick. I started taking her to the hospital, but her health was just getting worse to the extent that she couldn't walk or eat, and when she could drink water, she could vomit immediately. I felt a voice inside my heart to separate myself for prayers with this girl, I talked to one of my deacons and we separated ourselves in prayer and fasting. We got serious [spiritual] attacks to the extent that even our Bibles got lost from the room; and demons were talking [about] how we could not manage them. But through the knowledge I acquired from DTS, to be honest I didn't fear at all. The girl now is on her legs walking, eating and very normal."

Glory to God! We are always blessed to hear how brother Henry is practicing everything he is learning in the DTS. Praise God for healing that woman.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in August to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

Len received an email in July from Deji in Nigeria (pictured left), our first DTS graduate who completed his training with us in 2019. He is now well along the way to earning his PhD. As a PhD student understudying his supervisor, he's been doing a lot of teaching and research assistance work since the onset of the program, and has recently been hired as a lecturer at the university. He lives there at the university in Ibadan on weekdays, and travels home to Lagos to be with his family on the weekends. He is also pastoring a Young Adult church for college students (the campus church in Lagos). The Lord also opened a door for a weekly outreach to a Special Correctional Center for Boys, where he leads a team of young Christians every Saturday. He is praying for the Lord to open the door for the Girls correctional center as well. His wife Hannah (pictured left), who graduated from the DTS in 2022, is praying with him about moving with their two children to Ibadan to live with him. Pray that this would be possible.

He wrote: "The Lord had let me know that He was strategically positioning me in the university to interface with youths and to bring them to the knowledge of Christ. It's like a mission field for me, and sincerely, I need the help of God to succeed in this assignment. Please put me in your prayers."

"Sir, by God's grace, I would be traveling for a 3-month research and training in China by September.  Knowing China to be a country that is strictly against any form of religion, especially Christianity [actually they are against evangelizing or living out your faith], I have been thinking and have started praying to God to help me be a bold witness of Christ."

Please remember brother Deji and sister Hannah in your prayers, as the Lord leads you.

Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a ministry trip to New Hampshire, the week after this newsletter is published, and Germany in the fall. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory and provide for them. 

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing Len's trip to Amarillo, Texas, and touching the lives of those he ministered to.
  2. For the healing process that is taking place in Christopher's fingers, that there is no apparent nerve damage, that he didn't cut off any of them, and that he had no adverse effects from the antibiotics.
  3. For the amazing testimonies of all our DTS students and graduates, including the souls saved, the marvelous healings, and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. 
  4. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  5. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field, as well as help him with all of his many responsibilities.
  2. For the Lord to heal Christopher's fingers completely with no pain or loss of feeling, form or functionality.
  3. For the Lord to help Deji be a witness for Christ on campus, and on his upcoming, 3-month trip to China in September. And for the Lord to enable Hannah to move to Ibadan with the children to live with him there.
  4. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  5. For the Lord to give us wisdom and assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  6. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  7. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the second half of 2024.
  8. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to New Hampshire in August, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without delay or incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Monday, July 15, 2024

July Update - 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry. We hope you will read this to the end, as we have lots of praise reports, good news, and prayer requests.

Family: In June we went to the seacoast for three days, and took a little down time to rest and walk along the shore with our feet in the water, collecting seashells. While we had lots of dark, gloomy clouds and overcast skies during our time there, as well as some heavy thunderstorms with rain, we did have some beautiful weather on our last day there. 

We had not originally planned to stay that last day, but we decided while we were there to extend our stay one more day, and the Lord blessed us with beautiful, sunny, blue skies. Len went out to the beach each day early in the morning for Bible reading and prayer, which was glorious. We also went as a family in the late afternoons or evenings to walk along the shore together as a family. Jennifer fixed our meals in the room where we stayed, in order to save money, and we went out to eat one time for dinner, which was enjoyable.

Jennifer also took the boys to the zoo in June after they had dropped Len off at the airport. That was an enjoyable time for them all to observe the behavior of the animals. They saw gorillas, chimpanzees, baboons, bears, giraffes, and more.

In June, Christopher severely injured three of his fingers at work in the deli, cutting them deeply enough that they were bleeding profusely and needed several stitches. It was very painful, and so were the stitches. The ring finger injury was a large, deep abrasion that tore off a chunk of his flesh, so it could not be stitched together, but the other two injuries were lacerations. The doctor has ordered him restricted to light duty at work for three or four weeks. We are thankful that he did not cut off the ends of his fingers. Pray that he will be completely healed with no loss of feeling or functionality in his fingers, which he needs for playing the musical keyboard and using the computer keyboard daily, and that he will have no adverse effects from the antibiotics he had to take.  There are photos of our visits to the beach and zoo, as well as his injuries at the link below.

Ministry: In June, Len traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico on ministry for a few days, where there is a massive epidemic of drug addiction and homelessness on an epic scale. This crisis has claimed the lives of many New Mexicans, destroyed the lives of countless families and contributes to crime and large-scale homelessness. He spent time there with a dear brother in Christ he knows, named Todd Loudon (pictured left), a pastor serving at Next Step Ministries, as well as Steelbridge Ministries, formerly known as the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. He teaches a discipleship class at the rescue mission and oversees the kitchen. He is also the leader of Next Step Ministries, which is a multi-year discipleship program, which provides affordable housing in a home style, community setting for those enrolled in the program, offering training to prepare them to find and retain employment. The residents are men coming out of 
addiction recovery programs and/or prison, who have taken steps to move from a damaged or broken life to a life that glorifies God. He has recently launched a related ministry, called Messila Recovery, in order to provide addiction recovery, evangelism, and discipleship to the homeless drug addicts in Albuquerque's "War Zone" and others with substance abuse backgrounds, who are in need of housing. 

Here is Len's testimony of the ministry trip to Albuquerque:

"The Lord truly did amazing things on this trip. I taught the men at Next Step Ministries from John 8 (set free by the Son not to sin), and ministered to them personally afterward in deliverance, healing, the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. Then I taught them again on another evening from Ephesians 6 on spiritual warfare, the armor of God, opening and closing doors to the enemy, giving and revoking legal rights to the enemy in our lives, curse breaking, etc. 

"One morning, I preached at Steelbridge Ministries, formerly the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. I taught from the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25), on the need for the Bride to make advance preparations to be ready for the soon return of Christ. I felt the presence of the Lord as I shared, and the message came forth with unction, connecting with the people. Afterward there was a lot of positive feedback to confirm that. People were saying how impacting it was for them. One man who sat right in front of me sat there with his eyes closed, nodding his head 'yes' throughout my message. He came forward smiling afterward and said, 'I want to be baptized.' They told me afterward that he normally doesn’t speak. Praise God! Other men also came forward to speak with me. Afterward Todd and I ate lunch with a house church pastor and businessman, who is on the board for Next Step Ministries, and a pastor from India. We had great fellowship, especially about making disciples, organic Church development. 

"We also visited the Mesilla Recovery apartments in the drug-infested 'War Zone', where people are smoking fentanyl on the streets, walking around or sitting on the ground like zombies, some are on horse tranquilizers, which makes them hunch over when they walk or stand. Most of the people on the streets there are homeless and either using or selling drugs. 

"I also shared my salvation testimony and preached the gospel at Matt’s Detox facility, now known as Care Campus. I sensed the presence of the Lord as I spoke, just as I had when I spoke at Steelbridge two days earlier. The Lord caused the message to connect with the people and it was very well received. I believe good fruit will come from it. Todd also shared with them briefly before and after I spoke, sharing his deliverance from twenty years of heroin addiction and about new life in Christ, encouraging them to enroll in the discipleship and addiction recovery program at Steelbridge Ministries. 

"I felt the presence of the Lord in Albuquerque on the way to the airport for my return home, as I shared Jesus with my taxi driver Jose, who said he knew he was a sinner on his way to hell. When we reached the airport, he hopped into the back seat with me where he prayed to commit his life to Jesus.

"He repeatedly thanked me very much for sharing the gospel with him. That was a major highlight of the trip. Afterward on the plane from Albuquerque to Chicago was a man, named Andress, who sat next to me, who was traveling with his girlfriend and a group of friends to Chicago apparently to party for the weekend. He and they were already drinking heavily on the plane, chugging hard-liquor drinks. I felt the presence of the Lord as I shared Jesus with him, and he was very open and receptive to it. He thanked me very much repeatedly for sharing the gospel with him. 

"Upon returning, I learned from Todd that Brian, for whom I had prayed and laid hands on for healing, was completely healed from the three, large, red bumps under his armpit. Praise God for the amazing things He did during this trip! All glory be to Him forever and ever. Amen." 

As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

In July, Len received the following praise report from sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England. 

"Dear brother Len and sister Jennifer.

This study on Is Obedience Optional? is so vitally important, as without obedience  we forfeit our salvation. I read John 15: 10-11 and 1 John 2: 5-6. Then I read Jeremiah 31:3, [which] reminds me of when I met Jesus in Heaven face to face. He showed me so much love that my heart's desire is to obey him...  

So with our Lord's help I have a heart to witness to the lost. The trip to Rochdale was a great blessing. We had a morning service, then we went out to witness in the town, near the market and a few people got saved. A single mother of two teenagers was especially keen to learn more about becoming a Christian, and a few other older people got saved.

Thank and praise our Lord. Bless you all.

With love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sis Catherine."

Glory to God for saving those people in Rochdale through the street evangelism of sister Catherine and those who went with her.  Reaching the lost with the gospel is truly the Lord's heartbeat and burden.

Brother Henry, one of our students in South Sudan wrote the following testimony to Len in July:

"Dear bro Len,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Watching the healing session is really amazing (see the Power of God to Heal, video 12).
Every time I pray, I thank God for DTS, because I have learned a lot. Last Sunday we had a mini crusade. They brought a child whose skin was all covered with wounds. We even removed the clothes to see, and it was terrible; blood was coming out. I said, 'I bind that spirit and command healing,' in my prayers, and then commanded those wounds to dry in the name of Jesus. On Saturday, they brought the baby, and all the wounds were dry. Glory be to God.

Yours faithfully,
Bro Henry."

Glory to God! We are blessed to hear how brother Henry is putting into practice what he is learning in the DTS. Praise God for healing that baby.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in July to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

Brother Grace, who is a pastor in Uganda and one of our DTS graduates, serving as our DTS Facilitator in that country, wrote the following testimony to Len in July, after he read the July edition of the Old News That's Still Fresh: 

"Greetings my brother Len in Jesus' Mighty Name!

Like I have always said, your articles are so inspiring, encouraging and very powerful!

Sofia's encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ at her early years really shows God is no respecter of persons, He shows no partiality, He has ordained praise in the mouths of babies, He uses whomever He wishes! We had a boy here of less than six years old, who did wonders last Sunday by answering questions during our Bible study that most elderly people couldn't!

Sofia's testimony of baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire is one of the many you have shared with us; and I am really witnessing the same here; we had one of the ladies today in the city named Grace, after I had visited and shared the Word of God with the brethren, when she was asked to close the meeting, she encountered the Holy Spirit powerfully and said, 'You guys have come here with much anointing'. I really thank God for what I have learned through the DTS; the fire is burning!!

And yet still the Jewish marriage and wedding ceremony, a typology of the Kingdom of God, has encouraged me the more to check and see if I have sins in my life to confess; this one article is life changing and preparing us for the second coming of the Lord. Here in Teso, we used to have the same marriage as the Jews. It's only of late that our marriage values have been compromised by many.

Brother Len, I thank you so much for such powerful articles that are helping me and others to prepare for our heavenly home!

God bless you greatly!!

Bro Grace."

Praise the Lord for what He is doing in brother Grace's ministry there in Uganda, releasing the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt 3:11; Lk 3:16).

His daughter Vicky, also a DTS student, wrote:

"Dear brother Len,

Praise God. I am grateful and thank God for DTS. I am being equipped with scripture daily and getting to know God more. This has also made me bold that I can now witness for Christ through evangelism. God bless you.


Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to Texas (July), the day after this newsletter is published, and Bulgaria in the fall. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory and provide for them. 

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For some restful and peaceful down time for us as a family at the beach.
  2. For the healing process that is taking place in Christopher's fingers, that there is no apparent nerve damage, and that he didn't cut off any of them.
  3. For the amazing testimonies of all our DTS students and graduates, including the souls saved, the marvelous healings, and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. 
  4. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  5. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field, as well as help him with all of his many responsibilities.
  2. For the Lord to heal Christopher's fingers completely with no loss of feeling or functionality, and that he will have no adverse effects from the antibiotics.
  3. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  4. For the Lord to give us wisdom and assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  5. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  6. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the second half of 2024.
  7. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to Amarillo, Texas in July, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without delay or incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June Update -- 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry. We hope you will read this to the end, as we have lots of praise reports, good news, and prayer requests.

Family: Christopher is continuing with his summer-semester college courses, and Joseph is doing his year-end, standardized tests in homeschool. Christopher is still searching for employment in the field of IT Desktop Support, as he continues serving as our DTS Facilitator for Kenya, as well as overall IT Support Specialist for DMI, while working an average of 30 hours per week at the deli. Please pray for the Lord to help him with these responsibilities, as well as Joseph with his tests.

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

In June, Len received the following praise report from sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England. 

Dear brother Len and sister Jennifer.

"I would be happy for you to include my thoughts on Third Year First Quarter, Nomology II. The Spirit of the Law is Life was brilliant. It goes with the Scripture John 15: 4-9. in which Jesus said, 'Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.' These are very valuable teachings that I will follow and live by everyday. It has brought me much closer to our Lord by your teachings, and I highly recommend the Doulos Training School, which has helped me to grow so much in our Lord. Thank you, and thank and praise our Lord.

The other news is that Sue and I prayed over Eileen [Catherine's LTG partners], as she couldn't talk due to some muscle disease. We prayed over her with the Scripture verse from Isaiah 53: 4-5. 'And by His wounds you are healed.' And she was instantly healed. It proves the scripture, Hebrews 13: 8, which says, 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,' and Malachi 3:6, which says, 'For I am the Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.' 

Psalm 119: 89 says, 'For ever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.' Thank you, I'll  get back to you soon. I am praying for you all.  Bless you all.

With love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sis Catherine."

Glory to God for the way He healed Eileen from her inability to speak! If you would like to read about another lady who was supernaturally delivered from muteness, you can find the brief account of it in the Illustrations section of Len's article, The Authority of the Believer.

Brother Henry, one of our students in South Sudan wrote the following testimony to Len in June:

"Dear bro Len,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

After my recent course of third year third quarter, warning the church about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ has been one of my messages, I have received great resistance, even one person asking who sent me, which has not been happening before. I thank God because I have taken the way of Christ.

Yours faithfully,

Bro Henry"

Praise the Lord. It's normal to encounter resistance, when we preach the truth. He also stated after beginning his study on How to Heal the Sick: "Learning about praying for someone who's not present was an interesting topic. I have been doing this and people have been testifying greatly. I remember one day I prayed with a certain lady, her daughter had a mental problem and she was in Uganda and the mother was in South Sudan, I told her to come with the photo for the sick girl, we prayed like that and instantly that girl received her healing."

Glory to God!

He also shared with Len what God did through him as he was studying How to Heal the Sick in his final quarter:

"After learning how to heal the sick, yesterday someone told me about a young boy who is around five years old, very sick. They moved him to different hospitals until he was discharged without any changes in his health. I went there immediately. I asked the mother through preaching to accept Jesus as her Lord, which she did. After that I commanded healing to the boy, I commanded the pain to go. I told her if this baby sleeps, he will wake up healed, and this is exactly what happened, I give all the glory to God for that amazing healing."

Hallelujah! We are so pleased with the way brother Henry is putting into practice what he is learning in the DTS, and we know the Lord is pleased, too. Praise God for saving that mother and healing her boy.

Sister Mwendwa in Kenya shared the following with Len in June:

"The main highlight for me was the Share Jesus presentation. I really loved it and plan by God's grace to use it. I know evangelism is the heartbeat of the Lord, and I loved the emphasis on this. If we don’t witness, we can’t claim to be Christians. Silence is a sin.

I have been doing poorly with evangelism this quarter because of my new job and that has made me sad but I’m praying to God that my schedule eases out and I get into a stable work routine so I can go back to the evangelism momentum I was building before I started this job.

God bless Brother Len and Christopher and the entire Doulos family. 

Kind Regards,

sis Mwendwa"

Hallelujah! To God be the glory!

Sister Rebecca in Uganda shared the following praise report with Len in June:

"Praise the Lord bro Len,

I am grateful to God for the opportunity He has given me to learn and be equipped for ministry through DTS. I thank God that in April on Resurrection Sunday, I ministered in a crusade, and fifteen people gave their lives to Christ. Hallelujah. On 15th of April my dad passed on to glory, but God saw us through that tough moment and He's still comforting us.

In May, by the grace of God I completed my 3rd year, 3rd quarter successfully, thanks bro Len for allowing God to use you in discipling me. The Lord healed me from Malaria, thanks...for standing with me in prayer during that time, now I am well. DTS has encouraged and challenged me to witness for Christ daily through the word of God, prayer and fellowships (LTG meetings).

I thank God for Christopher, brother Len's son, who has always given me technical assistance in the area of IT during my course work. All Glory And Honor Be To Our God, Amen.

Sister Rebecca."

Praise the Lord!

Brother Grace, who is a pastor in Uganda and one of our DTS graduates, serving as our DTS Facilitator in that country, wrote the following testimony to Len in June: 

"Greetings brother Len, 

It was a wonderful time with the Holy Spirit in one of the Churches in Kumi town. In attendance were pastors and other ministers of the Lord. Most received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and the Lord's fire is continuing in people's lives, most who received this baptism for the first time. 

Blessings brother, 

Bro Grace."

We rejoice that the Lord is opening doors of ministry opportunity for brother Grace in his native country and using him for His glory. Numerous pastors have converged together with him at his location in Uganda for an evangelistic campaign, and we are praying for a harvest of souls.

Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to New Mexico (June), soon after this newsletter is published, and Bulgaria in the late summer or early fall. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory and provide for them. 

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in June to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For the amazing testimonies of all our DTS students and graduates, including the many souls saved and all the marvelous healings. 
  2. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  3. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field, as well as help him with all of his many responsibilities.
  2. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  3. For the Lord to give us wisdom and assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  4. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  5. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the second half of 2024.
  6. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to New Mexico in June, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without delay or incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Saturday, May 18, 2024

May Update -- 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry. We hope you will read this to the end, as we have lots of praise reports, good news, and prayer requests.

Family: In May, we celebrated Christopher's 19th birthday with cards, cake, gifts, and prayer. 

Christopher was also blessed to be selected as a marshal in this year's college graduation that took place in May. Although he was not graduating this year, his grade point average (GPA) is outstanding, and the school picked only students with a 4.0 GPA to be marshals. His role was to lead the procession of the college faculty to their seats in the auditorium where he seated them. On that same day, he was also inducted into the honor society at the school, known as the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK), while his name was also added to the college President's list. Praise the Lord!

We also took our first family vacation in over a decade, and traveled to West Virginia to visit Jennifer's parents. Christopher and the girls were all able to get time off from work, which was somewhat of a miracle in itself. It was an over-six-hour drive over the road in our vehicle and the girls' car. We had a great visit with her parents, which was such a blessing for all of us to see each other after not having visited for years. However, the enemy tried to stop it from happening in a number of ways. Jennifer, Faith, and Joseph got colds during the couple weeks before we left. Then Christopher got sick with it a couple days before we left. But the Lord healed everyone and kept Len, Hope, and Charity from getting ill, so that we could make the trip.  

Jennifer's mother also had a heart attack right before we traveled. It happened on Mother's Day Sunday, and she ended up in the emergency room, after which they admitted her; but we prayed the prayer of faith for her that she would be out of the hospital and doing fine the next day, beyond all natural expectations to the contrary, and the Lord answered our prayers. Hallelujah! She was back home the next day and doing alright, although she was not allowed to lift anything heavier than a half gallon of milk. The day after she was released from the hospital, was the first day of our two-day visit with her and Jennifer's father in their home. She was very disappointed that she was no longer able to cook all our meals for us during our time there, as she had been planning, but it was still a great visit, and everyone enjoyed it. 

We were also blessed to be able to see Jennifer's brother Jeff and his wife Taryn, and several of their six children while we were were there. We visited with them at their home and had great fellowship together. Interestingly, one of Jeff and Taryn's children, Abigail, is about to go on a missions trip to Albania, where Len just returned from recently. At the end of our visit, we laid hands on Jeff's hands for the Lord to heal them from arthritis, since they have been interfering with his ability to do his work as a self-employed electrician.

Since Jennifer's mother could not cook for us, her parents took all seven of us out to eat at the Olive Garden, where we had a wonderful meal together the night before we had to leave. At the end of the meal, around the time we took the photos, Jennifer's father had a significant medical episode with his heart. But we all laid hands on him and prayed for him, and he was well enough to drive home. This was the first time in seven years (since 2017) that Jennifer had seen her parents and her only brother; while for the rest of our family, we had not seen her brother in about eighteen years (since around 2006). It was a memorable and long overdue family reunion, which we thank God for!

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

On May 18th, Len spoke with sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England, who had gone street witnessing in Manchester, England earlier that Saturday. With much praying and fasting, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, she went with one of her LTG partners, as well as a pastor and group of believers from a small church called Living Hope Christian Church, who had never been out evangelizing on the streets. Another pastor and his wife from Van Dinter Global Ministries had taught the church how to do street evangelism, and Catherine taught her LTG partner. That day the Lord saved seven people, including six young ladies (ages 19-25) and one middle-aged man through the street-evangelism team. Gospel seeds were also sown with other people they talked with as well. Praise the Lord! 

Catherine has also been speaking to people there about a potential visit from Len, and so far has gotten some positive responses from folks who are open to it. Pray that the remaining people she needs to speak to would also be open, and that the Lord would orchestrate the entire visit, which is currently planned for this summer.

Sister Mwendwa in Kenya shared with Len in May that she started a second LTG, which is wonderful. 

Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to New Mexico (June), England (possibly July), and Bulgaria in the late summer or early fall. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory. Your prayers and financial support to help make Len's planned missions trips possible would be greatly appreciated.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in May to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing us with a wonderful birthday celebration for Christopher.
  2. For the academic honors that Christopher received in college.
  3. For healing the whole family of their sickness in time for our trip, and protecting Charity, Hope, and Len from coming down with it.
  4. For miraculously healing Jennifer's mother from her heart attack that occurred two days before we arrived.
  5. For helping Jennifer's father to drive home after having a medical episode with his heart.
  6. For the wonderful visit we had in West Virginia with Jennifer's parents, as well as her brother and his family.
  7. For safe travels for our whole family during the long road trip to and from West Virginia.
  8. For the seven people who came to Christ through the ministry team that sister Catherine went out onto the streets with in May, and for using her and her LTG partner to lead six out of seven people to Christ. 
  9. For helping sister Mwendwa to find a new LTG partner.
  10. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  11. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field.
  2. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  3. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  4. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group).
  5. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  6. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the coming weeks and months of 2024.
  7. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to New Mexico in June, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online