Monday, July 15, 2024

July Update - 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry. We hope you will read this to the end, as we have lots of praise reports, good news, and prayer requests.

Family: In June we went to the seacoast for three days, and took a little down time to rest and walk along the shore with our feet in the water, collecting seashells. While we had lots of dark, gloomy clouds and overcast skies during our time there, as well as some heavy thunderstorms with rain, we did have some beautiful weather on our last day there. 

We had not originally planned to stay that last day, but we decided while we were there to extend our stay one more day, and the Lord blessed us with beautiful, sunny, blue skies. Len went out to the beach each day early in the morning for Bible reading and prayer, which was glorious. We also went as a family in the late afternoons or evenings to walk along the shore together as a family. Jennifer fixed our meals in the room where we stayed, in order to save money, and we went out to eat one time for dinner, which was enjoyable.

Jennifer also took the boys to the zoo in June after they had dropped Len off at the airport. That was an enjoyable time for them all to observe the behavior of the animals. They saw gorillas, chimpanzees, baboons, bears, giraffes, and more.

In June, Christopher severely injured three of his fingers at work in the deli, cutting them deeply enough that they were bleeding profusely and needed several stitches. It was very painful, and so were the stitches. The ring finger injury was a large, deep abrasion that tore off a chunk of his flesh, so it could not be stitched together, but the other two injuries were lacerations. The doctor has ordered him restricted to light duty at work for three or four weeks. We are thankful that he did not cut off the ends of his fingers. Pray that he will be completely healed with no loss of feeling or functionality in his fingers, which he needs for playing the musical keyboard and using the computer keyboard daily, and that he will have no adverse effects from the antibiotics he had to take.  There are photos of our visits to the beach and zoo, as well as his injuries at the link below.

Ministry: In June, Len traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico on ministry for a few days, where there is a massive epidemic of drug addiction and homelessness on an epic scale. This crisis has claimed the lives of many New Mexicans, destroyed the lives of countless families and contributes to crime and large-scale homelessness. He spent time there with a dear brother in Christ he knows, named Todd Loudon (pictured left), a pastor serving at Next Step Ministries, as well as Steelbridge Ministries, formerly known as the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. He teaches a discipleship class at the rescue mission and oversees the kitchen. He is also the leader of Next Step Ministries, which is a multi-year discipleship program, which provides affordable housing in a home style, community setting for those enrolled in the program, offering training to prepare them to find and retain employment. The residents are men coming out of 
addiction recovery programs and/or prison, who have taken steps to move from a damaged or broken life to a life that glorifies God. He has recently launched a related ministry, called Messila Recovery, in order to provide addiction recovery, evangelism, and discipleship to the homeless drug addicts in Albuquerque's "War Zone" and others with substance abuse backgrounds, who are in need of housing. 

Here is Len's testimony of the ministry trip to Albuquerque:

"The Lord truly did amazing things on this trip. I taught the men at Next Step Ministries from John 8 (set free by the Son not to sin), and ministered to them personally afterward in deliverance, healing, the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. Then I taught them again on another evening from Ephesians 6 on spiritual warfare, the armor of God, opening and closing doors to the enemy, giving and revoking legal rights to the enemy in our lives, curse breaking, etc. 

"One morning, I preached at Steelbridge Ministries, formerly the Albuquerque Rescue Mission. I taught from the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt 25), on the need for the Bride to make advance preparations to be ready for the soon return of Christ. I felt the presence of the Lord as I shared, and the message came forth with unction, connecting with the people. Afterward there was a lot of positive feedback to confirm that. People were saying how impacting it was for them. One man who sat right in front of me sat there with his eyes closed, nodding his head 'yes' throughout my message. He came forward smiling afterward and said, 'I want to be baptized.' They told me afterward that he normally doesn’t speak. Praise God! Other men also came forward to speak with me. Afterward Todd and I ate lunch with a house church pastor and businessman, who is on the board for Next Step Ministries, and a pastor from India. We had great fellowship, especially about making disciples, organic Church development. 

"We also visited the Mesilla Recovery apartments in the drug-infested 'War Zone', where people are smoking fentanyl on the streets, walking around or sitting on the ground like zombies, some are on horse tranquilizers, which makes them hunch over when they walk or stand. Most of the people on the streets there are homeless and either using or selling drugs. 

"I also shared my salvation testimony and preached the gospel at Matt’s Detox facility, now known as Care Campus. I sensed the presence of the Lord as I spoke, just as I had when I spoke at Steelbridge two days earlier. The Lord caused the message to connect with the people and it was very well received. I believe good fruit will come from it. Todd also shared with them briefly before and after I spoke, sharing his deliverance from twenty years of heroin addiction and about new life in Christ, encouraging them to enroll in the discipleship and addiction recovery program at Steelbridge Ministries. 

"I felt the presence of the Lord in Albuquerque on the way to the airport for my return home, as I shared Jesus with my taxi driver Jose, who said he knew he was a sinner on his way to hell. When we reached the airport, he hopped into the back seat with me where he prayed to commit his life to Jesus.

"He repeatedly thanked me very much for sharing the gospel with him. That was a major highlight of the trip. Afterward on the plane from Albuquerque to Chicago was a man, named Andress, who sat next to me, who was traveling with his girlfriend and a group of friends to Chicago apparently to party for the weekend. He and they were already drinking heavily on the plane, chugging hard-liquor drinks. I felt the presence of the Lord as I shared Jesus with him, and he was very open and receptive to it. He thanked me very much repeatedly for sharing the gospel with him. 

"Upon returning, I learned from Todd that Brian, for whom I had prayed and laid hands on for healing, was completely healed from the three, large, red bumps under his armpit. Praise God for the amazing things He did during this trip! All glory be to Him forever and ever. Amen." 

As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

In July, Len received the following praise report from sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England. 

"Dear brother Len and sister Jennifer.

This study on Is Obedience Optional? is so vitally important, as without obedience  we forfeit our salvation. I read John 15: 10-11 and 1 John 2: 5-6. Then I read Jeremiah 31:3, [which] reminds me of when I met Jesus in Heaven face to face. He showed me so much love that my heart's desire is to obey him...  

So with our Lord's help I have a heart to witness to the lost. The trip to Rochdale was a great blessing. We had a morning service, then we went out to witness in the town, near the market and a few people got saved. A single mother of two teenagers was especially keen to learn more about becoming a Christian, and a few other older people got saved.

Thank and praise our Lord. Bless you all.

With love in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sis Catherine."

Glory to God for saving those people in Rochdale through the street evangelism of sister Catherine and those who went with her.  Reaching the lost with the gospel is truly the Lord's heartbeat and burden.

Brother Henry, one of our students in South Sudan wrote the following testimony to Len in July:

"Dear bro Len,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

Watching the healing session is really amazing (see the Power of God to Heal, video 12).
Every time I pray, I thank God for DTS, because I have learned a lot. Last Sunday we had a mini crusade. They brought a child whose skin was all covered with wounds. We even removed the clothes to see, and it was terrible; blood was coming out. I said, 'I bind that spirit and command healing,' in my prayers, and then commanded those wounds to dry in the name of Jesus. On Saturday, they brought the baby, and all the wounds were dry. Glory be to God.

Yours faithfully,
Bro Henry."

Glory to God! We are blessed to hear how brother Henry is putting into practice what he is learning in the DTS. Praise God for healing that baby.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in July to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

Brother Grace, who is a pastor in Uganda and one of our DTS graduates, serving as our DTS Facilitator in that country, wrote the following testimony to Len in July, after he read the July edition of the Old News That's Still Fresh: 

"Greetings my brother Len in Jesus' Mighty Name!

Like I have always said, your articles are so inspiring, encouraging and very powerful!

Sofia's encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ at her early years really shows God is no respecter of persons, He shows no partiality, He has ordained praise in the mouths of babies, He uses whomever He wishes! We had a boy here of less than six years old, who did wonders last Sunday by answering questions during our Bible study that most elderly people couldn't!

Sofia's testimony of baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire is one of the many you have shared with us; and I am really witnessing the same here; we had one of the ladies today in the city named Grace, after I had visited and shared the Word of God with the brethren, when she was asked to close the meeting, she encountered the Holy Spirit powerfully and said, 'You guys have come here with much anointing'. I really thank God for what I have learned through the DTS; the fire is burning!!

And yet still the Jewish marriage and wedding ceremony, a typology of the Kingdom of God, has encouraged me the more to check and see if I have sins in my life to confess; this one article is life changing and preparing us for the second coming of the Lord. Here in Teso, we used to have the same marriage as the Jews. It's only of late that our marriage values have been compromised by many.

Brother Len, I thank you so much for such powerful articles that are helping me and others to prepare for our heavenly home!

God bless you greatly!!

Bro Grace."

Praise the Lord for what He is doing in brother Grace's ministry there in Uganda, releasing the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matt 3:11; Lk 3:16).

His daughter Vicky, also a DTS student, wrote:

"Dear brother Len,

Praise God. I am grateful and thank God for DTS. I am being equipped with scripture daily and getting to know God more. This has also made me bold that I can now witness for Christ through evangelism. God bless you.


Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to Texas (July), the day after this newsletter is published, and Bulgaria in the fall. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory and provide for them. 

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For some restful and peaceful down time for us as a family at the beach.
  2. For the healing process that is taking place in Christopher's fingers, that there is no apparent nerve damage, and that he didn't cut off any of them.
  3. For the amazing testimonies of all our DTS students and graduates, including the souls saved, the marvelous healings, and the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire. 
  4. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  5. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field, as well as help him with all of his many responsibilities.
  2. For the Lord to heal Christopher's fingers completely with no loss of feeling or functionality, and that he will have no adverse effects from the antibiotics.
  3. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  4. For the Lord to give us wisdom and assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  5. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  6. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the second half of 2024.
  7. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to Amarillo, Texas in July, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without delay or incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

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PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

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