Friday, March 16, 2012

March Update 2012

Greetings from Hungary!

We’re enjoying some mild Spring weather here this week.

Family: We celebrated Len’s birthday during the first week of March at home with some dessert and home made cards from the children. 

Currently Len has been sick with a sinus infection for three weeks.  Please pray for his recovery. Due to his illness, the newsletter will be very brief this month.

Charity wrote a poem called Preparation, which you can see here.

Ministry:  Len recently went to Belgium to attend a revival led by pastor Yong-Doo, Kim, who wrote the Baptized by Blazing Fire books we mentioned in our last newsletter.  The Lord did many wonderful things during the revival.  Len also established many new relationships with pastors and disciples from Belgium and other parts of Europe, as well as the USA.

On his return journey to Hungary, he shared Jesus with an American lady, named Laura, who teaches in a Belgian elementary school, as well as a Hungarian couple living in Scotland, named Lászlo and Beáta.  Please pray that Laszlo, Beata, and Laura would seek to know Christ.

Jennifer continues to share Jesus with our neighbors across the street.  Their names of the first couple are Andi and Zsolt.  The other couple is Lászlo and Annamaria, and Annamaria is going through a very hard time right now that has opened her up to the gospel.  Please pray for her to come to know Jesus.

Our children are also involved in evangelism now as well!

We'd like to tell you about Gábor, one of the men that Len has been discipling.  He loves to share Jesus with people, and when he talks about how Jesus saved him, he does so with tears.  He recently shared Jesus with a coworker, who is also named Gábor, and the man gave his life to Jesus.  Coincidentally, as this paragraph of the newsletter was being written about him, Len's friend Gábor called on the phone about this very same man!  He asked that we pray for Gábor that he would recognize that God's kingdom is much more important than this life and money and material things, and that he would follow through on his commitment to Christ.

Resources:  Len has recently written a blog called "The Cost of Discipleship" (see here).  He has also written "Is Obedience Optional?" (see here). If you would like to read these or any others he has recently written, you can find them in the March edition of "Old News That's Still Fresh" (see here).

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For what the Lord did in the Belgium revival.
  2. For the opportunities to evangelize the lost here.
  3. For the way Gábor has been sharing Jesus with love and passion for the Lord.
  4. For the opportunities to share Jesus with Annamaria, Andi, Laura, Lászlo and Beáta.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Len from this sinus infection.
  2. For the Lord to reveal Himself to Lászlo and Annamaria, Zsolt and Andi (ZHOLT and ON-dee), Lászlo and Beáta, Laura, as well as our hairdresser, Juszti (YOU-stee).
  3. For Gábor (new believer) that he would recognize that God's kingdom is much more important than this life and money and material things, and that he would follow through on his commitment to Christ.
  4. For the Lord to use all of us in our personal evangelism work, including the children. 
  5. For the Lord to continue using Len's disciples Greg and Gábor to reach the lost with the gospel.
  6. For a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit here in Diosd, in Budapest, and all of Hungary.  And that it would ripple all across Eastern Europe.
  7. For our financial blessing.  That the Lord would continue to raise up partners to help us with special gifts and monthly partners, so that we will be able to focus on the ministry in Eastern Europe and accomplish all that He has put in our hearts to do.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

Love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

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PO Box 5526
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