Friday, December 13, 2019

December Update 2019

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.

Family: In December Charity produced some more short music videos. One of them is called The Meaning of Life, based on her poem by that name written in 2013 when she was fourteen years old. The other one is called The Coming, based on the verse that says, "'Look, He is coming with the clouds,' and 'every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him'; and all peoples on earth 'will mourn because of Him.' So shall it be! Amen." (Rev 1:7). She also composed the soundtrack as well.

Len also published the personal salvation testimonies of Christopher, Joseph, and Faith. If you are interested, they are called How I Came to Know JesusSaved at a Tender Young Age, and My Overflowing Joy in Knowing Jesus.

Len's Writing for the Master blog, which is a collection of his articles on Christian topics, has been censored from Facebook. This means you cannot send a link to this blog to anyone in a personal message or post it on your Facebook page. Facebook has blocked it claiming "this link goes against our Community Standards."  So then that would mean there is an anti-Christ spirit operating within Facebook as a company, if Christian articles contradict their allowable content. Of course, that's no surprise, especially after the recent expose' of Facebook done by Project Veritas. This new development is unfortunate, but, in one sense, it is good news, because it indicates that our blogs are doing damage to the devil's kingdom and the enemy is afraid of them. We rejoice that we are counted worthy to suffer for His name's sake (Ac 5:41).

Len and Jennifer have been making progress on our shoulders. We are both nearly pain free, except for certain movements and the fact that Len is still not able to sleep on his left shoulder without pain. Regaining our original range of motion is still the big challenge, but the Lord has been healing Len to the point where he almost has full range of motion fully restored. Jennifer still has quite a ways to go on that, and unfortunately she has had this problem long before Len did. Thank you for praying. Please pray for the Lord to drive out all remaining pain, heal all muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and restore full range of motion to our shoulders.

More photos.    

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Sherry in the UAE
In December, another one of our students graduated from the DTS. Her name is sister Sherry from Kenya, who is living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was an amazing accomplishment, considering that she is a single mother with children, and has moved from Lebanon to Kenya, then later to the UAE, during her training with us. When she finished, she wrote:

"I give God all the praise and to our Lord Jesus Christ for helping me to successfully complete my discipleship course. It's been an amazing journey. Thank you so much."

Now we will begin planning for her graduation ceremony, once she wraps up a few final requirements.

More DTS Testimonies

Ibrahim and Cynthia in Kenya
In December we had two more new students from Kenya enroll. A sister named Cynthia and a brother named Ibrahim (pictured left) have both begun their three years of training with us. Cynthia, who was saved in the eighth grade and is now twenty-six, is enrolling to learn more and get deeper in her salvation experience with the Lord. As for Ibrahim, who is thirty-three years old, he was raised in a Christian family, baptized at age fourteen, and then orphaned. He has been through a lot of things that have destabilized his life. He stated that he has enrolled in order to more fully understand his Christian faith and know his Creator, so that he may live the life the Lord expects him to live, and preach the gospel to the souls that need it.

In December, Len received the following comments from two readers on his article called What Does the Bible Say About Vaccines?:

"I agree with the above but I'd like to add- we are to separate ourselves from everything that contaminates the body- this includes vaccines, yes- but also man-made toxic foods and drinks that are loaded with chemicals and preservatives. The church is as sick as the world because it has conformed to the ways of the world and this includes the way the world eats. For example, sugar, junk, fast foods, soda etc.... The Standard American Diet [S.A.D] is a diet that fuels illness. It is a diet of the world. It's time for the church to return to God's original diet (Gen 1:29) and reap life abundant. Thank you for a very informative article." -- Trish

While Len does agree that it is wisdom to stay away from the S.A.D, he leaves that up to each individual to decide before God. If they do so, then they will certainly be the beneficiaries.

"Honestly, I love your biblical insight on vaccines. I knew, through Gods word, that we are not to mix other blood with ours, as well as, have read many Health Professionals articles, medical journals reports, as well as, viewed many of Dale Bigtrees, Highwire videos with healthcare professionals, but I have never read such in depth, biblical-based information. I pray that both my older daughters and my son-in-laws all read this article, and I hope it enlightens each of them to God's Truths. Thank you so much." -- Anonymous

These comments are quite interesting, especially since articles such as this one are being banned from social medial platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and other sources of such information, like books on the topic are being removed from Amazon. It's a concerted effort to censor this information, so that the public will not be informed about the serious risks posed to them and their children.

DTS Photo Album.

Len sent out his monthly edition of Old News That's Still Fresh in December to pastors, elders, and laborers in the harvest in the US, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

Although we are not based overseas any more, we are still missionaries and still need your financial and prayer support of our ministry. You may enjoy looking at this presentation of our ministry. Please pray and ask the Father if He would have you give.

Resources:  This month we would like to suggest some articles Len has recently written called Joshua as a Type of ChristChristian Perfection, and Progressive Revelation. Len's latest articles are all available at Old News That's Still Fresh -- December 2019. His entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For the measure of healing that we (Len and Jennifer) have received in our shoulders so far.
  2. For giving Charity some new poems to write, and helping her to produce music videos for some of her poetry.
  3. For helping Sherry to complete her three years of DTS training.
  4. For giving us the opportunity to serve brother Ibrahim and sister Cynthia in Kenya as new students in our DTS, who are just beginning this month in December.
  5. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  6. For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
  7. For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Jennifer from limited range of motion in her right arm, and for the Lord to heal Len of the same thing in his left shoulder, as well as from the pain.
  2. For the Lord to heal Faith and Len from eczema.
  3. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  4. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group), and help them finish all their course work for the current quarter by the end of this month. 
  5. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  6. For the Lord to raise up new faith partners, and for Him to provide for all our needs -- not only ours personally, but also those of the ministry -- as He releases a financial miracle.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Thursday, November 14, 2019

November Update 2019

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.

Family: In November we celebrated Hope's nineteenth birthday with cake, cards, gifts, and prayer. It was a beautiful day and a happy occasion. She's now in her final year of being a teenage adult, and we know the Lord has such wonderful plans in store for her.

Charity has been doing some video projects, putting some of her poems to music video. A couple of them that we have posted online include My Letter to the King, Coronation in Jerusalem, All Creation ProclaimsJudgment of Babylon, The Voiceless InnocentsHe Loved Us, and Spared, which you may watch if you wish to do so. She produced the main soundtrack in "He Loved Us First," "Coronation in Jerusalem," and also the soundtrack for the credits at the end of "The Voiceless Innocents." Some of her most recent poems include "Royal Intervention" and "Coronation in Jerusalem," which is featured in one of the music videos listed above.

Len and Jennifer have been making progress on our shoulders. We are both nearly pain free, except for certain movements and the fact that Len is still not normally able to sleep on his left shoulder. Regaining our original range of motion is still the big challenge, but the Lord has been healing Len to the point where he almost has full range of motion fully restored. Jennifer still has quite a ways to go on that, and unfortunately she has had this problem long before Len did. Thank you for praying. Please pray for the Lord to drive out all remaining pain, heal all muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and restore full range of motion to our shoulders.

We had a long-awaited, major home repair in November. Thank the Lord for providing for this major expense, which we trust should help keep water away from our home that has been pooling against it and apparently seeping into our foundation.

More photos.    

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Favour in Nigeria
In October, a new student named Favour from Nigeria enrolled in our DTS. He is nineteen years old, got saved in a church for teenagers a few years ago, and joined because he wants to win more souls for Christ.

Len also shared with the students a couple of recent dreams he had, the second of which went like this:

"I had a dream last night in which I saw a black man praying on his knees by himself. Initially I saw his face from the front. But then I saw him from his right side side from a low angle that was near the floor, where I was positioned just a couple yards (meters) from him. It was dark, but there were very lovely rays of golden light streaming through what seemed like some bushes or plants that were in front of him. I noticed how my vision zoomed in slowly on that golden light streaming through the petals. It was in various shades of golden color and very soft. I don't know if the man was praying outside in a garden at sunrise or if he was indoors where there were some plants in front of him, such as a church altar, and I don't know whether it was sunlight I saw or heavenly light, but it looked more to me like heavenly light in the spirit that was present because he was praying."

Shadrach in Nigeria
One of our students in Nigeria named Shadrach sent the following response to that second dream:

"Thank you so much, Sir.

Concerning the second dream you had, I began to feel a witness last weekend about light from heaven shining into my family and territory. Immediately [once] I started receiving some direction about priesthood and intercession for my territory, this is the word that came. Also I heard something like priesthood of light.

Now your dream opened up to me again all the experiences I was having during the weekend, I just don't know how to explain it, but I feel God is using your dream to confirm my experiences and to let me know that He was really the one talking to me.

God bless you, sir."

Peter in Kenya
Len received the following testimony from one of our newest students, brother Peter in Kenya:

"It's been great being in this glorious journey, full of bliss and tranquility. So far, the topics I've had to pass through, have been mind boggling! There's so much I've learned on the Trinity of God, their personalities, and how to categories all them in their functions, but as a mystery, having only one God! As I put this information down, I am all smiles, because of the revelations I've picked up along [the way].

More so, I've had to learn much on the topic of marriage and how the bed should be kept clean. Am not yet married but there are so many things that are happening that are taking people to hell. I didn't know sex had become an issue that transcends to eternity (in heaven or hell). I read a book some time ago about a 'man of God' who supported masturbation. [Although I did not know that] it was such a great evil, I didn't like the book then, but I couldn't go on reading it! I think God knew its demonic impacts.

So much light, has also been shed on the popular gospel moving around! I always wanted to be this great man of God, to be honest! To be known in the international scene, but I've come to realize that it's better to humble, and in due season God will lift you up! Regardless of the position you are in.

I would love to say, thank you so much for the topics concerning the 'KNOWING THE WILL OF GOD'. I've been troubled over the same issue for long, trying to do all that my hands could find; to [make] ends meet, ministry, not knowing [that] God knows us thoroughly! Particularly, I was greatly touched so much by the story of [Dr. Andrew Stenhouse], whom God visited when he was still a young person, and commanded him to be [a physician]! I was astounded because that was the perfect will of God for him, all the days of his life! And that's where he saw the hand of God moving mightily.

It's been a great lesson to me, and I've purposed to seek God for him to show me the particular thing I need to do, even though I love ministry so much! I learned Disaster Management and International Relations in one of our local universities, but I always find myself thinking about ministry more than any other thing! Because it's great to know the particular thing God has created you for.

I was also touched so much by the angelic visitations to brother Roland Buck and the great lessons I got. I wish I could write [more], but I think that's enough for now...

Have a great time with God's blessings."

More DTS Testimonies

In October, Len received the following comment from a reader:

"Mr. Len, thank you, God bless and increase you in a supernatural way, may your family be protected, delivered from the hands of the wicked ones, grant you more knowledge, wisdom and understanding in every endeavor of yours and fill your mouth with uncommon testimonies. Sir, I was also a soldier like you but now a Pastor, Soldier and a warrior in Christ Jesus. In fact God directed me to your blog. I have been posting some of your articles on my whatsapp status and facebook page, and so many people called me to help them stop certain kinds of lifestyles and also lead them to Christ. What you are doing is working and saving lives. Therefore may God increase you. Greetings from our Lord Jesus Christ."

Praise the Lord!

DTS Photo Album.

Len also received the following letter in November from one of our students in Nigeria, brother John:

John in Nigeria
"Based on your article, I believe strongly that, using God-given talent to make wealth is bad. Although, I know that God gives us talents to make way for us in some aspect, for the scripture says “a man gift maketh way for  him,” in [another sense] I think it is actually wrong for us to go about selling our talents for gold or silver or [to] the detriment of others. Playing musical instruments in the church for pay, singing or preaching for [a price] as a born again Christian, selling prophecies, sermons, teachings, and oil is not good, I agreed with you sir, because Jesus told His disciples to give freely as they received freely.

Your article affirmed my conviction that most Christian/Gospel music is not accepted by God, even if the name of Jesus is mention inside. It is true and correct and worthy of all acceptance by me. Our God is a Holy God.

I understand now the difference between the covenant, as a means of justification in the sight of God, and the commandments that timelessly represent the ways and will of God. I can distinguish now [between] the external regulations for worship (in terms of gifts, sacrifices, food, drink, and ceremonial washings) and the commandments that define sin and express the ways of God for all ages.

My belief is affirmed that “All the scriptures of the Old Testament that were to be fulfilled in the Messiah had their full accomplishment in the Lord Jesus, which abundantly proves that this was he that should come. In the providence of God, it is fit to observe the fulfilling of the scriptures. The works of God are the accomplishment not only of his secret Word, but of his Word revealed; and it helps me to understand both the scriptures and the providence of God to compare them one with another.”

I came to understand that, there are gaps in the scripture that need to be understood in order to handle the Word of God correctly. It helps me to better understand what took place in the interim during the gap.

I came to now understand that, there is unity of Scripture throughout the entire Bible, even though it was written by forty different inspired men in different settings...The knowledge has caused me to have thought about you: Please, may the LORD, the Father of our Lord JESUS CHRIST bless you richly for this impartation."

If you would like to read the article that Brother John was referring to, in order to understand better what was taught, please see The Sale of Christian Music and Art -- A Robbers' Den?

The prophet Micah wrote: "Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money." (Micah 3:11)

Grace in Uganda
Len received the following email from brother Grace, who is a pastor in Uganda enrolled in our DTS:

"Hi brother!

These lessons have changed my life: Hamartiology II (especially contraception useeternal destinations, and Godly Attire and Adornment...I continue to share with the Christians here, and repentance with tears is happening. Glory be to the Lord, as we wait for His second coming!


Len sent out his monthly edition of Old News That's Still Fresh in November to pastors, elders, and laborers in the harvest in the US, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

Although we are not based overseas any more, we are still missionaries and still need your financial and prayer support of our ministry. Please pray and ask the Father if He would have you give.

Resources:  This month we would like to suggest some articles Len has recently written called The Sin of Sodom and Coronation of Christ as King. Len's latest articles are all available at Old News That's Still Fresh -- November 2019. His entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing Hope with another year to serve Him and allowing us to celebrate her birthday together.
  2. For the measure of healing that we (Len and Jennifer) have received in our shoulders so far.
  3. For giving Charity some new poems to write, and helping her to produce music videos for some of her poetry.
  4. For the testimony of what the Lord is doing in the lives of brothers Shadrach, Peter, John, and Grace through the DTS.
  5. For giving us the opportunity to serve brother Favour in Nigeria as a new student in our DTS beginning with the next quarter on December 1.
  6. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  7. For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
  8. For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Jennifer from limited range of motion in her right arm, and for the Lord to heal Len of the same thing in his left shoulder, as well as from the pain.
  2. For the Lord to heal Faith and Len from eczema.
  3. For sister Collete to find permanent housing and obtain a national ID in her home country of Kenya, since she is having difficulty getting one after living abroad for 24 years. 
  4. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  5. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group), and help them finish all their course work for the current quarter by the end of this month. 
  6. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  7. For the Lord to raise up new faith partners, and for Him to provide for all our needs -- not only ours personally, but also those of the ministry -- as He releases a financial miracle.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October Update 2019

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.

Family: In October we celebrated Jennifer's birthday with cake, cards, gifts, and prayer. She also enjoyed a pleasant phone call with her parents. We thank the Lord for another year of her life.

Len and Jennifer have been making progress on our shoulders. We are both nearly pain free, except for certain movements and the fact that Len is still not able to sleep on his left shoulder. Regaining our original range of motion is still the big challenge, but Len has made a lot of progress with that lately through physical therapy and the Lord's healing power taking place. Thank you for praying. Please pray for the Lord to drive out all remaining pain, heal all muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and restore full range of motion to our shoulders.

We did get the urgent auto repairs in September that we had mentioned we needed when we published our last newsletter. Len also had the opportunity to witness to Roger our mechanic, who doesn't know Christ yet. Let's pray he comes to the Lord. Although we did manage to get a new kitchen appliance installed in October, we are still in need of some major home repairs that we have been waiting for a couple of years to do. The Lord has now provided the means to do so, for which we are grateful.

Hope finally took her standardized SAT college entrance exam in October. She thinks she probably did fairly, but we will find out when she eventually gets her scores.

Charity has been writing some new poems, one of which is called God Without Beginning. For years, she has been suffering from pain, numbness, and weakness in her arms, wrist, and hands, especially her right side, which interferes with her job. Lately it has been getting worse. She has begun doing physical therapy, taking medication, and seeing a doctor for it. The chiropractor says the problem is coming from her neck and shoulders. After Charity's recent adjustment of her neck, back, and wrists by the chiropractor, she is feeling much better. Of course, we are grateful to the Lord and are all praying for her complete healing.

More photos.    

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Shadrach in Nigeria
In October, Len received the following testimony from Shadrach, one of our DTS students in Nigeria:

"Thank you so much sir. The DTS training has really been a blessing to boosting my spiritual life. God has been using the articles to direct and teach me on so many things that I was ignorant of. God bless your ministry and everyone that is a partner to it."

Praise the Lord!

More DTS Testimonies

A brother in Christ from Brazil named Jean has been corresponding with Len over the past couple months. In October he wrote to Len:

"Dear Len, I am your brother in Christ Jean Lucas! I'm sorry for not being fluent in English...I've been building a lot from your life and your teachings on the Eternal Destinations website. I am sure that I would grow a lot spiritually if I were in contact with you or studying in Doulos [Training School], as we would also be good friends! Your wise advice has been helpful to me!"

Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Jean's life.

Brother Deji wrote to Len to inform him that he and sister Hannah held a naming ceremony for their new baby in September, and named her Faith. He also sent us a photo of the baby, which we are including here, so you can see how cute she is. Deji said, "Faith is sleeping very well and we thank God for it. According to Hannah, Faith was 48 cm (19 in) long and weighed 2.8 kg (6 lbs 2.7 oz) at birth."

DTS Photo Album.

Brother Grace, who is one of our DTS students and a pastor in Uganda, sent us this testimony in October:

Grace Okurut in Uganda
"Praise the Lord, dear brother Len. I am so grateful to DTS, and above all to God to be part of what God is doing in my life; indeed it's a life changing course! We as a church here in Uganda are facing a big challenge about contraception. Many Church leaders have compromised and even gone to the media supporting it! I thank God this has come at the right time and what I have so far learnt from DTS about contraception has helped me to stand my ground. I am able also to sensitize and teach God's people what God's word says about this subject; glory be to God, for my life as well as others [He has] changed.


Grace Okurut"

Brother Grace is referring to Len's article called Is Contraception a Sin?, which explains from Scripture about God's love for children, His command to multiply, His hatred for the sin of Onan, who refused to procreate for his brother's widow, and the preciousness of children. It also explains how some forms of so-called contraception are actually acts of murder against unborn children.

Peter in Kenya
Len also received a rather long and encouraging praise report from one of our newest DTS students in Kenya named Peter. Here are some key excerpts below:

"I would love to present my sincere joy in conjunction with the courses I have been going through all this while. I've been wondering if all am learning is true to such an extent that I shiver sometimes, only to realise that God has been speaking in every piece of video and literature I've had my eyes on!"

"Your teachings have brought up some great understanding of who our God is, of His immense love towards mankind, and His promises that are acquired by faith and faith alone. Every scene has been mind blowing and made me think deeply about my relationship with my Maker...When I think of His holiness and great things He has prepared for us, and how He wants us to live above Satan and all his tricks, I can't [help] being filled with great joy and tranquility...I am in a state of introspection, thinking of Gods holiness and what I can do to spread the gospel as Jesus commanded."

"There's now a great thirst and hunger for God and for souls, because all is not well in this evil and darkened world! Brother Len, [you] also presented clearly how you can have a deep encounter with God and how you can also have a sweet relationship with Him on a daily basis, upon which God can reveal great and mighty things according to Jeremiah 33:3. I am also thinking of initiating some evangelistic programmes, going to hospitals and prisons to spread the gospel and show his love."

In a nutshell, I am one of the blessed people and highly favoured, because I never thought [of myself as] deserving all these [blessings], but God by the Holy Spirit has made it known to me. Thanks for everything, brother Len, and may God bless you so much."

Praise the Lord! What a wonderful testimony of what the Lord has been doing in Peter's life through his DTS training with us.

Len sent out his monthly edition of Old News That's Still Fresh in October to pastors, elders, and laborers in the harvest in the US, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

Although we are not based overseas any more, we are still missionaries and still need your financial and prayer support of our ministry. Please pray and ask the Father if He would have you give.

Resources:  This month we would like to suggest some articles Len has recently written called Boaz as a Type of Christ, Leaving Your Family for the Love of Christ, Ian McCormack's Testimony of Heaven and Hell, and Eternal Places Prepared by God. Len's latest articles are all available at Old News That's Still Fresh -- October 2019. His entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing Jennifer with another year to serve Him and allowing us to celebrate her birthday together.
  2. For the measure of healing that we (Len and Jennifer) have received in our shoulders so far.
  3. For helping Hope to take her SAT exam.
  4. For giving Charity some new poems to write.
  5. For the relief Charity has received from the pain and numbness in her arm, wrist, and hand.
  6. For the testimonies of what the Lord is doing in the lives of brother Sharach in Nigeria, brother Grace in Uganda, and brother Peter in Kenya through the DTS.
  7. For the healthy birth of Deji and Hannah's baby Faith, and the fact that she is sleeping well.
  8. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  9. For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
  10. For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Jennifer from limited range of motion in her right arm, and for the Lord to heal Len of the same thing in his left shoulder, as well as from the pain.
  2. For the Lord to heal Faith and Len from eczema.
  3. For complete healing for Charity in her spine, shoulders, arm, and wrist from numbness and pain.
  4. For sister Collete to find permanent housing and join her brother's ministry in the village, as well as bless her with His presence on her graduation ceremony when the time comes for it.
  5. For the Lord to bless Deji and Hannah as they enjoy their new baby girl, and give them guidance regarding ministry in Nigeria, Liberia, or wherever the Lord would have them serve.
  6. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  7. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group). 
  8. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  9. For the Lord to move mountains to raise up new faith partners, and for Him to provide for all our needs -- not only ours personally, but also those of the ministry.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Saturday, September 14, 2019

September Update 2019

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.

Family: Faith, Christopher, and Joseph returned to their home school studies in September, following an enjoyable summer break. Charity and Hope continue to work at a cafeteria restaurant, and both of their jobs can be demanding, as well as fairly stressful at times, but they are doing well. Hope is still preparing to take her standardized SAT college entrance exam in October.

We're also continuing to pray for our shoulders to be healed. Jennifer's is not so much painful anymore, but she needs the Lord to restore full range of motion to it. Len's shoulder pain has been significantly reduced, too, but there are still some very painful moments during certain movements of his arm. Plus he also has a loss of range of motion that we are praying for the Lord to restore, while he continues to get physical therapy for it.

At this time, we are in need of some urgent home repairs and auto repairs that are coming all at once. Please pray that the Lord would provide the right people to do these repairs, that they would be responsive to us, that He would give them wisdom to fix the problems, and that He would provide for it all.

More photos.    

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Collete in Kenya
In August, another one of our DTS students named Collete in Kenya graduated from our program. She wrote regarding her completion of the training:

"Dear brother  Leonard,

The name of the Lord be glorified. It is by His grace that I am able to complete  the three years training. Many thanks to you and your family for encouraging us even when I was soaked with challenges. Your end of the month DTS Newsletter and mid month Old News That's Still Fresh have been very refreshing.  I admired how you manage the Doulos [Training] School, it is one of its kind. The program is relaxed which is convenient to most people.

Stay blessed.

Sister Collete"

Hallelujah! We give God all the glory! It's so wonderful to see another one of our students complete the three years of training.

We mentioned last month the dire straits she was in where she was living in Mali. As it turned out, she was unable to settle her late husband's estate, so she gave up on trying. She also had to leave the country and move back to Kenya. She had been wanting to move back to Kenya for some time, but didn't know how. Her daughter in Canada was able to buy plane tickets for sister Collete and her daughters that were with her in Mali. So she is living with one of her sons in Kenya for the time being, and her daughters who moved there with her are looking for employment. Let's pray the Lord would provide employment for her daughters and a place for them to live with sister Collete.

She wants to eventually join up with the ministry of a village church in Kenya, where her brother serves as pastor. Once she makes that move, by the grace of God, we plan to have her graduation ceremony. Let's pray that the Lord's presence will be upon us during her graduation.

Richard in Uganda
Len received the following email from Richard, one of our students who is a pastor in Uganda. He stated:

"I finished my coursework for the second semester first year, so interesting training. Am grateful for DTS and the staff. Thank you for equipping us with material and training in biblical truth. Am so encouraged, and for sure am so useful to the congregation that I lead and the entire community. When I speak, lives are transformed; and the LTG team is so much a wonderful ministry with learners who now live by the power of the Scriptures in daily life actions. Thank you, Lord, for my school and brother Len and administration."

Praise the Lord for this wonderful testimony.

More DTS Testimonies

On September 3, Len received the following good news from brother Deji, who is a recent DTS graduate in Nigeria, about his wife Hannah, who is a current DTS student. He stated:

"Dear brother Len,

The Lord blessed us with a baby girl yesterday.

Praise the Lord, great things He has done!

In Christ,


Praise the Lord! Let's pray that mother and baby are both able to get some rest now.

DTS Photo Album.

Sherry in the United Arab Emirates
Len received the following email from sister Sherry in the United Arab Emirates in September:

"Hallo brother Len,

I have experienced and gained a lot of wisdom in DTS. Am even surprised at myself and humbled that His Grace is sufficient. I remember on my First Year First Quarter reading and studying about GOD. I felt a special kind of feeling  a wonderful, sweet, smiling feeling of assurance and of love and joy and peace. I still do, whenever I think about that article. So amazing, and it remains my most favorite...and all the others. I was excited to start working for the Lord already like a new child starting to walk. That's where the fiery suffering of a believer comes in. I would later on fall and bruise myself, but The Lord is good and renewing my strength.

Thank you brother Len.

I am grateful. Be blessed."

Len sent out his monthly edition of Old News That's Still Fresh in September to pastors, elders, and laborers in the harvest in the US, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

Although we are not based overseas any more, we are still missionaries and still need your financial and prayer support of our ministry. Please pray and ask the Father if He would have you give.

Resources:  This month we would like to suggest some articles Len has recently written called David as a Type of Christ, Moses as a Type of Christ, David's Mighty Men as Types of Christ, and The Glory of God Appears on Sid Roth. Len's latest articles are all available at Old News That's Still Fresh -- September 2019. His entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For the measure of healing that we (Len and Jennifer) have received in our shoulders so far.
  2. For blessing our children with a relaxing summer vacation from their studies.
  3. For helping sister Collete complete her three years of DTS training and return to her home country of Kenya.
  4. For the testimonies of what the Lord is doing through the DTS in the lives of brother Richard in Uganda, sister Collete in Kenya, and sister Sherry in the UAE.
  5. For the birth of Deji and Hannah's new baby in September.
  6. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  7. For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
  8. For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Jennifer from limited range of motion in her right arm, and for the Lord to heal Len of the same thing in his left shoulder, as well as from the pain.
  2. For the Lord to heal Faith and Len from eczema.
  3. For the Lord to help Hope to study for the SAT test and do well on it in October.
  4. For the Lord to provide the right people to do our needed home and auto repairs, that they would be responsive to us, that He would give them wisdom to fix the problems, and that He would provide for it all.
  5. For the Lord to help sister Collete's daughters to find employment in Kenya.
  6. For sister Collete to find permanent housing and join her brother's ministry in the village, as well as bless her with His presence on her graduation ceremony when the time comes for it.
  7. For the Lord to bless Deji and Hannah as they enjoy their new baby girl, and give them guidance regarding ministry in Nigeria, Liberia, or wherever the Lord would have them serve.
  8. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  9. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group). 
  10. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  11. For the Lord to move mountains to raise up new faith partners, and for Him to provide for all our needs -- not only ours personally, but also those of the ministry -- as He releases a financial miracle.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Thursday, August 15, 2019

August Update 2019

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.

Family: In August we celebrated Faith's seventeenth birthday. She received cards, gifts, and prayer from all of us who love her. We also enjoyed delicious homemade cake.

We also baptized Joseph with water into Christ in August, which was a wonderful occasion, following his commitment to Christ on May 5th.

We're also continuing to pray for our shoulders to be healed. Len has seen a doctor at the Veterans Healthcare Center for the painful issue, and the MRI did not show a full rotator cuff tear, but there were other issues noted by the radiologist with the shoulder. We are still not sure what the cause of his problem is, but he is receiving physical therapy and hoping to see a specialist. Jennifer has experienced a significant measure of healing, such that she is not in the pain she was in a year ago and has regained some range of motion in her shoulder, although she does still have limited range of motion.

More photos.    

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in six nations including Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, and the United Arab Emirates.

Sister Sherry
One of our students, Sherry from Kenya, has moved to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to earn a living for her children, whom she left back in Kenya with her parents. As you may recall, she is a single mother, and she has been struggling significantly, so she felt this was necessary in order to provide for her children and make sure they are properly nourished. She is obligated to stay in the UAE for at least six months, and then may remain there for up to two years total. Her new LTG partner from Kenya also joined her in moving to the UAE to work abroad as well. So they will continue to meet together for their Life Transformation Group (LTG) during their time there.

More DTS Testimonies

Two new students in Kenya have enrolled in our DTS. Brother Peter is thirty-eight years old and has been walking with the Lord for twenty-three years since 1996. He has also been baptized with the Holy Spirit. Here is his testimony:

"It was in 16th, February 1996, that was day the first day of the first year in high school. I was taken to a meeting at 9:00 pm after the night prep by one of the older members of the school, only to realise that I was in a Christian meeting. Its then that I gave my life to Christ Jesus my Lord."

Peter in Kenya
Here is the reason why he is enrolling in the DTS: "I would love to be in this programme because of the great  commission of Jesus Christ and the burden that I feel for the lost. Honestly, I am never satisfied that I have not yet fulfilled my purpose in life, and that's why it would be a great honor for me to be empowered to fulfill my destiny."

The second brother named Moses is also from Kenya. He is forty-two years old and has been saved for nine years since 2010. He has also been baptized with the Holy Spirit, and came to the Lord this way:

"I had a conviction within that I needed to receive Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior, and this was due to too much pain and sorrow that I was going through. I understood that it was only through salvation, that I would find rest. It was after this that I made a decision to attend my current church Sunday service, and it was in that service that I requested one of the ushers to tell the Bishop that I want to receive Jesus as my Lord and savior. Precisely, that is how I was led to Jesus."

He gave the following reason for enrolling in our school: "I have a heart for souls and I believe that through this program, I will be empowered to be able to reach as many people as possible." Immediately after enrolling, some circumstances arose in his life that are beyond his control, which he says might preclude him from beginning his training in our DTS. Let's pray the Lord works all things together for his good, so he can train with us.

DTS Photo Album.

John in Nigeria
Len received a praise report from brother John in Nigeria, who is one of our students. He stated:

"Dear brother Len,

I have so many things to testify for the glory of the Lord; in this quarter, I understand clearly the meaning of sin and its consequences, I understand now that several parables of Jesus Christ were pointing to backsliding believers. In this quarter, I came to realize some certain end time events that will surely come to pass. DTS has helped me to understand that Christ was enfolded in the Old Testament and unfolded in the New Testament.

In our Life Transformation Group (LTG), we have a balance of encouraging each other, which is always helping us from been worried. Both of us have a way of encouraging one another in love. The DTS is helping me with basic facts that will streamline my Christian walk. I thank God for DTS and servant Len.

Grace and mercy be upon you and your entire family. Thanks."

He further added:

"There are so many things I have learnt from this training that are helping me now to stand as a believer which only God knows. Within my power, I cannot...count all [of them]. The real truth is that I am blessed from DTS."

Praise the Lord for brother John's testimony of what the Lord is doing in his life.

David in Nigeria
You may remember brother David from Nigeria who was in our DTS while studying in medical school at the University of Jos. He is now in his third year of medical school, which is a major feat by the grace of God. However, he has had to temporarily suspend his DTS training due to the intensity of his medical studies, and plans to finish one of our key DTS academic requirements soon, so that he can advance to his third year of DTS. Meanwhile he continues to meet in a Life Transformation Group (LTG) with two other brothers in medical school who are also former DTS students, whose names are Emeka Christian and Andrew. Their LTG continues to be a source of mutual encouragement for all three of these brothers. Praise the Lord. Please pray that brother David will soon complete the necessary requirements in order to advance to his third year of DTS.

Len received the following praise report from brother Grace in Uganda, who is a pastor there and one of our DTS students:

Grace in Uganda
"Hi brother Len.

I thank God for the DTS opportunity. Whenever  I am faced with a situation that needs the Lord's intervention, when I call upon the Lord's fire, I feel the consuming effect and this has helped me a lot.When reading the Bible and going through my notes, the Lord's fire covers me, speaking in tongues has become a habit and witnessing with power.

I thank God my life is greatly changed!


Praise the Lord for brother Grace's testimony. May it create a hunger in each of us for more of the Lord.

Another pastor from Uganda, brother Tom, who is one of our DTS students currently in his first quarter, wrote in with this testimony:

Tom in Uganda
"I am pastor Tom from Lira-Uganda. When I joined this great institute, my life drastically changed. Mysteries that were hidden from me yet they are in the scriptures were categorically and systematically explained to me in depth. I am so sure that by the end of this course, I shall not be just a learner of the word but a minister of the word. I therefore urge all God's servants to join this program. God bless you."

Praise the Lord for the dramatic change in brother Tom's life through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Len sent out his monthly edition of Old News That's Still Fresh in August to pastors, elders, and laborers in the harvest in the US, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

Although we are not based overseas any more, we are still missionaries and still need your financial and prayer support of our ministry. Please pray and ask the Father if He would have you give.

Resources:  This month we would like to suggest some articles Len has recently written called The Tree of Life as a Type of Christ, The Scapegoat as a Type of Christ, The Sufferings of the Prophets as a Type, The Bronze Serpent as a Type of Christ, and The Black Hole as a Type. Len's latest articles are all available at Old News That's Still Fresh -- August 2019. His entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For allowing us to celebrate Faith's seventeenth birthday.
  2. For Joseph's commitment to Christ and water baptism.
  3. For the testimonies of what the Lord is doing in the lives of brothers Tom, Grace, and John through the DTS, and what the Lord is doing in the life of David through his LTG at the medical school in Nigeria.
  4. For our new students from Kenya, Peter and Moses.
  5. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  6. For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
  7. For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Jennifer from chronic pain and limited range of motion in her right arm, and for the Lord to heal Len of the same thing in his left shoulder and arm.
  2. For the Lord to heal Faith and Len from eczema.
  3. For the Lord to provide for Sherry and her family as she works in the UAE and to bless her and her LTG partner as they continue to meet together there.
  4. For the Lord to help brother David complete the necessary academic requirements of our DTS in order to advance to his third year of training. 
  5. For the Lord to heal brother Grace in Uganda from a broken arm and other injuries.
  6. For the Lord to work all things together for good for brother Moses in Kenya, so that he can begin his studies with us in September as planned.
  7. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  8. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group). 
  9. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  10. For the Lord to move mountains to raise up new faith partners, and for Him to provide for all our needs -- not only ours personally, but also those of the ministry -- as He releases a financial miracle.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online

Monday, July 15, 2019

July Update 2019

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry.

Family: In June we celebrated Charity's twenty-first birthday with cake, gifts, cards, and prayer. You can see photos of it at the link below.

We also celebrated Hope's graduation from High School after she successfully completed twelve years of home school education. We invited some friends to join us for the formal ceremony in our back yard, which included worship, special music by our children who sang a hymn, a message that Len shared from the Word of God, awarding the diploma, and prayer for Hope. Afterward we gave her gifts and cards, then had hors d'oeuvres and fellowship for the rest of the evening. The weather was perfect in answer to prayer and the event was memorable. If you would like to see a video of her receiving her diploma, click here. The video of the special music by our children is at this link.

Hope healed up completely from her wisdom teeth extraction with no complications at all. Praise the Lord.

Faith received a letter in the mail from President Trump responding personally to her letter that she wrote to him regarding her concern that he use his authority to protect unborn babies. He assured her that he is dedicated to protecting their lives. If you would like to see a full copy of the letter, then click here.

Faith, Christopher, and Joseph received the results of the standardized scholastic Iowa tests they took last month. They all did fine by the grace of God. Faith, who just finished tenth grade, scored with grades equivalent to someone in thirteenth grade or higher. She is in the eighty-third percentile nationally. Christopher, who just completed eighth grade, also scored overall equivalent to someone in thirteenth grade or higher. His composite score was in the ninety-ninth percentile, meaning he scored better than ninety-nine percent of all eighth-grade students who took the exam nationally. Praise the Lord.

We're also continuing to pray for our shoulders to be healed. Jennifer has experienced a significant level of healing from the shoulder pain she was having and has regained some range of motion, but still needs the Lord to restore full range of motion. Len is still in pain, as he is only four months or so into this injury, and has quite limited range of motion in the left shoulder.

More photos.    

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, and Mali.

Collete in Mali
One of our DTS students named Collete in Africa needs our prayers right now, as she is going through a major challenge. She wrote:

"Dear brother Leonard,

I am undergoing a very serious challenge. My late husband left an estate, and for the past ten years we have been in and out of the courts with my step son and the family.  It became worse the last one month, after I had almost reached a conclusion, except [that when I went] to give him his share he again contested [it]. This was really a big blow to me, because I have incurred too much cost and debts and was expecting to resolve them.

Right now I am six months arrears in rent, and the landlord has given me [an eviction] notice.  After the fall [when I broke my leg two years ago], I stopped working. My husband's bank account is also blocked. It is the grace of God that has been carrying me through.

I need time to organise myself.  This situation has really taken me a back.  But I believe that there is nothing that is impossible  for God. I am still hoping for a solution.

It us not easy when you are dealing with non believers, especially Muslims. Their reasoning is far too different from us.  Anyway God is in control.

Be blessed

Sister Collete"

We have been lifting our sister Collete in prayer, and would like to ask you to join us in prayer for her dire need. She asked that we pray the Lord would help her step son to act in love. She was supposed to graduate at the end of May from our DTS, but that has been delayed due to this crisis.

Len received the following email in June from Sam, one of our DTS students in Uganda:

Sam in Uganda
"Powerful. Since I became a student of DTS, my life is changing every time I sit down to read my notes. One amazing thing is the simplicity and the clarity of the Word of God as handled by Len. Scales are falling off my eyes.  I am growing in the knowledge and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.



In July Len received an email from brother Daniel in Nigeria, who wrote:

"I thank God for today's [Sunday] service. It went well and powerful. And I thank God for my life, and I thank God for the love he brought in to my family, and I want this love to reign till Jesus Christ comes. Amen.

In Nigeria many are dying. Fulani are killing people any how they like. Even in my area, Bariga Lagos, the young boys, little boys that join cults kill themselves. But still I work on the road as if nothing is going to happen, and God always protects me.

I thank God for everything He has done."

More DTS Testimonies

Grace in Uganda
Len wrote to brother Grace, one of our students who is a pastor in Uganda, and asked him how his right arm is doing that had been broken in a motorcycle accident. You may recall that when they removed the cast after several weeks, his arm was bent, and he was experiencing pain trying to do the physical therapy he needed to do to restore it. Len received the following reply from him saying:

"Thanks dear brother Len for your prayers! In fact, the Lord has seen me through! The hand has started some functions though some pain.It has straightened and is a process to heal completely. Blessings."

Hallelujah! We praise God and thank God for every little bit of healing brother Grace has received thus far. We thank Him for 10%, for 15%, for 20% and the Lord will continue to increase until it is 100% healed. He will complete the healing. Amen!

DTS Photo Album.

Len sent out his monthly edition of Old News That's Still Fresh in July to pastors, elders, and laborers in the harvest in the US, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Asia.

He received the following email from one reader who wrote:

"I've read your article on Andy Stanley and thank you for opening my eyes and taking a stand when we see or hear a false Gospel preached. Apostle Paul said, 'Don't be a peddler of the Gospel.' Church hymns and rock music are not the same, secular music does not glorify God. I will keep you in my prayers and pray all our brothers and sisters in Christ stand firm in the faith and for continued blessings over our nation and government. May God continue His blessings upon you keep up the good work as we remain diligent for the Lord. God bless you all. 3 John 4."

Praise God for that encouraging feedback. The Scripture that sister referenced in her email says, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 Joh 4).

Although we are not based overseas any more, we are still missionaries and still need your financial and prayer support of our ministry. Please pray and ask the Father if He would have you give.

Resources:  This month we would like to suggest some articles Len has recently written called David as a Type of Christ, The High Priest as a Type of Christ, Joseph as a Type of Christ, and Manna as a Type of Christ. Len's latest articles are all available at Old News That's Still Fresh -- July 2019. His entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For enabling Hope to graduate from high school, and for completely healing her from her surgical wounds following the wisdom teeth extraction.
  2. For nearly eliminating the pain that Jennifer was experiencing in her right shoulder.
  3. For the significant degree of healing from eczema that Len has experienced recently.
  4. For the testimonies of what the Lord is doing in the lives of brothers Daniel in Nigeria and Sam in Uganda.
  5. For the healing that our brother Grace in Uganda has received thus far in his arm where it was broken.
  6. For God's grace that has been carrying sister Collete through her dire straits.
  7. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  8. For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
  9. For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
Next steps and prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to heal Jennifer from limited range of motion in her right arm, and to heal Len from the same thing in his left shoulder and arm, as well as the pain he is experiencing from what appears to be a torn rotator cuff.
  2. For the Lord to heal Faith and Len from eczema.
  3. For the Lord to help Hope get full time hours where she works, now that she has graduated, and help her this summer as she prepares to take the SAT test in the fall.
  4. For the Lord to protect brother Daniel from danger in the area where he lives in Nigeria.
  5. For the Lord to touch sister Collete's step son and help him to act in love toward her, so that she could resolve the dispute over her late husband's estate and pay off all her debts.
  6. For the Lord to complete the healing for brother Grace in Uganda from his remaining pain, and restore full functionality to his hand and arm from where he broke it a few months ago.
  7. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  8. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group). 
  9. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  10. For the Lord to move mountains to raise up new faith partners, and for Him to provide for all our needs -- not only ours personally, but also those of the ministry -- as He releases a financial miracle.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

There are two ways to donate to Doulos Missions International. You may either send a check or money order by mail to:
Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

Donate Online