The children continue to enjoy their friends here and another one of them gave his life to Jesus in early August, as Faith shared with him. This time it was a young, four-year old boy, whom we will call "Tim". Pray that he will grow in the love and knowledge of the Lord as he walks out his decision.
Charity has been making very good use of her acrylic oil paints that she received for her seventeenth birthday in June. She has been watching some art lessons by video online, and she's been applying what she's learned very well. We're very pleased with her progress. We've posted these online at the Recent Artwork page on A Brush with Life, if you would like to see them. She has also been writing more new poems, which are excellent. For example, there's Compassion for the Lost and God's Eternal Ways. These have been posted on Verses to the King, if you would like to read them.
In August we also celebrated Faith's thirteenth birthday with a small party at home. We all enjoyed some warm, moist, homemade gingerbread cake, prayed for her, and she received a couple of gifts and some cards. The Lord blessed her with a beautiful, sunny day for the party, as well. Please join us in praying that the Lord would bless her in this next year of her life with joy, peace, and even greater fruitfulness for Him than she has already experienced thus far.
Hope diligently completed her free typing course online, and she's made some progress with her typing skills. She can now type without looking at the keyboard for the most part, and although she is not very fast yet, it is an improvement over her previous hunt and peck method.
More photos.
Doulos Missions International now offers discipleship training online through the Doulos Training School (DTS). This is a three-year, distance education school, so all training is conducted over the Internet. It is an international school for adult students in every nation on earth, and is intended for those who desire to become a disciple that makes disciples. In addition to the academic requirements, students are also required to do practical work throughout the course of their studies in the DTS. That includes maintaining a daily prayer life, daily Bible reading, participation in a discipleship group, known as a Life Transformation Group, evangelism, service for the Lord in some capacity, weekly participation in local worship services, giving tithes and offerings, accountability and submission to godly oversight. The first quarter begins on September 1, and we already have one student enrolled. Please visit the DTS online at Doulos Training School to find out more about how you or someone you know can participate. Please also pray for this new aspect of our ministry, especially that the Lord would develop through it many disciples who make disciples, resulting in multiplication for His glory.

"I grew up in a Baptist Church. In my early teens, I then stopped attending church for worldly things like football. In my late teens, I realized I had a spiritual problem. I went from one witchdoctor to another looking for solutions until one day someone in one of the prosperity churches invited me. After a long time there, with no breakthrough in my spiritual problem, my finances were drying up, as they really ask for money there. Everything is about money. They have campaigns whereby you have to come with all your salary plus bonus and sell your things, and put it all in an envelope with a request, which they say they will pray over in Israel for God to answer your problems."
"I then stopped going to any church. One day while browsing through the internet I came to a website, where I read a story of a certain ex-satanist from DRC, another African country about three hours flight from South Africa. I then began thinking seriously about my salvation more than my spiritual problem. Then while browsing through the Internet, I came to your blog, [EternalDestinations.info], from which I read a lot of heaven and hell testimonies that really shook me. My uncle has been inviting me to his church. I then decided to go there. Ever since that time, I have been attending there. However, I have been giving them the testimonies from your website, as they are not a holiness church."
"Their leader (the Bishop) has been introducing these testimonies to different groups (youth, mothers, fathers, etc). He has even given me the task of compiling these testimonies, and the corresponding videos, to give to these different groups, so that they may read and start letting go of certain things that the church wasn’t aware were sins before God."
"In short, I am in a church that is still striving for holiness through the testimonies found from your site. We thank God for that. It’s not easy, as some are resisting what comes out of these testimonies. Perhaps they feel they cannot be told what to do by a ‘new congregant’ such as me. But I believe with time, God will help us, though we may not have time."
Lusindiso Mfidi
![]() |
J. Martin |
Your brother in Christ,
J. Martin (Rome, Ga. USA)
Another reader, named Gino from Australia, has been corresponding with Len personally during the month of August. He stated: "Len this website is an oasis of Truth for those who love the Lord and want to obey his Word." Later he commented, "I read a few days ago your article, Restored Truth. It is heartbreakingly true. History (is) repeating itself with man rejecting God's Word over man's opinion or denominations beliefs. That article really blessed me."
Len has also been in contact with the Burmese pastors about possible ministry opportunities in the upcoming months. As you recall, the plan is to meet with them in Malaysia, so that's still being discussed in terms of their availability. One of those pastors in Myanmar has put Len in touch with some Burmese pastors here in the US. Two of them, located in Texas, called and spoke with Len in August. Their names are Daniel and Ling. Daniel indicated a need for training among the Burmese pastors in the States, located in Texas, Colorado, and Washington, so that is something we'll be praying about to see how the Lord would lead Len. Meanwhile a Hungarian brother in Hungary, named Balazs (BO'- lazh), has contacted Len to say he missed him and is asking if Len has any plans to return to that country.
"Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished You have done for us." (Is 26:12)
Resources: This month we would like to suggest an article Len has recently written called The Ways of Life, Practicing Your Righteousness, Keeping a Prayer Journal, and Divorce -- Three Divine Revelations. All of Len's latest articles are available at Old News That's Still Fresh - August 2015. Len's entire collection of his most popular blogs are at Writing for the Master.
In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.
Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
- For Faith's thirteenth birthday celebration.
- For the new people we are meeting and the relationships we are building.
- For the Lord's leading, guidance, and help in creating the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as the students who have already enrolled.
- For the encouraging prophetic message that He gave Len through brother Gabriel in June.
- For the opportunities the Lord has given us to be a witness to people along the way.
- For the little boy "Tim" who gave his life to Jesus in August.
- For the lives being touched for Christ around the world through our writing ministry.
- For the words of encouragement we have received from people.
- For the Lord to assist us with the Doulos Training School (DTS), as we begin the first quarter on September 1.
- For the Lord to develop through the Doulos Training School many disciples who make disciples, resulting in multiplication for His glory.
- For the Lord to bless Faith in this next year of her life with joy, peace, and even greater fruitfulness for Him than she has already experienced thus far.
- For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for Len, and that He would help Len by opening doors for ministry and giving him courage, that whenever he speaks, words may be given him so that he will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.
- For the Lord to reveal the Truth to "Jim" and his wife, and move them out of their comfort zone.
- For the Lord to help the little boy "Tim" to grow in his love and knowledge of Jesus Christ as he walks out his decision.
- For the Lord to place military people in our path who are ready for the gospel, and who will later be used by the Lord to reach many others for Christ here and in the uttermost parts of the earth.
- For the Lord to give Len guidance and provision regarding his planned, short-term trip later this year to Malaysia, as well as any trips to Texas or Colorado to minister to the Burmese pastors.
- For the Lord to send his angels with Len’s messages to those who need them, and for an open heaven over them when they receive his messages.
- For the Lord to continue to raise up new faith partners.
- For the Lord to provide for us, including all the furniture we need.
with love from all of us,
The Lacroixs
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PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526
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