Saturday, April 13, 2024

April Update -- 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry. We hope you will read this to the end, as we have lots of praise reports, good news, and prayer requests.

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

Sister Mwendwa in Kenya sent the following testimony to Len in April:

"Praise the Lord

I wanted to testify that during our church December retreat I asked the Lord for some specific things which I desired to happen by our Easter retreat. One was my job which I got on 10th March and the other was to win 33 souls to the Lord. By the grace of God, I was able to reach that number. God is very faithful. I've seen him making me more productive in soul winning, as I've desired it more and more. One of my LTG partners, as well, has become a wonderful coworker, and we do follow up of new converts together as part of our church evangelism effort, and we are seeing growth. It was definitely the Lord who led me to her, as we have similar desires for evangelism and advancing the kingdom. I truly believe this wouldn't have been possible without me following the prompting to invite her as my first LTG partner. 



Praise the Lord. We rejoice with sister Mwendwa for these wonderful answers to prayer. There is surely great rejoicing in heaven over the souls that got saved.

Brother Max in Uganda wrote to Len in April: "Praise the Lord brother Len, The Lord has been gracious to me and my family. I thank him for his provision and the grace to be in DTS school. I have learned the culture of reading intensively, and I am grateful for this one thing. May God sustain and increase DTS school and its leadership for those who desire to know more of God in Jesus name."

One of our DTS graduates in Uganda, brother Grace, who is also a pastor there and our Facilitator for that country, went to Kenya on a missions trip in March. After he returned home, he wrote to Len this testimony: 

"Greetings brother Len, 

I'm back here in Uganda, God is great who kept me on the way safely and by His grace; a man who has been an elder of the church I visited stood up after I preached and spoke amid the congregation, 'I want to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I have been a drunkard for a long time.' Thomas met the Lord Jesus last Sunday! Glory to Jesus!

Thank you so much for your prayers!

Bro Grace." 

Praise the Lord for blessing his trip to Kenya, and especially for saving Thomas, the elder of the church where he preached. 

In April, Len received the following testimony from sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England:

"Dear brother Len and sister Jennifer, 

For a few weeks I had been fasting and praying earnestly for Revival. On Easter day, Audacious Church performed a play about our Lord's death and resurrection in three services. The following week they reported that 360 people got saved, which is wonderful and a big answer to prayer. So we are arranging a new Alpha course to teach these new converts.

Thank and praise our Lord for his wonderful love and grace. So I shall continue to fast and pray for a continuous revival, as our Lord has revealed to me that we are getting close to the Rapture and time for witnessing is running out.

Praying for you all. Bless you all. With love in Jesus Christ our Lord,
Sis Catherine."

Praise the Lord for the 360 people who got saved on Resurrection Sunday in answer to sister Catherine's prayers.

Len traveled to Albania on an apostolic mission this month, where he preached the gospel, prayed, and ministered to people. The Lord's hand was with him, anointing him with the Holy Spirit, and by the grace of God many lives were touched. 

There was a lot of spiritual warfare during the trip, as the enemy did not want Len to be there, but the devil did not succeed, and the presence of the Lord was sensed in an even greater way than usual. Moreover, the Lord blessed him with good weather, safe flights, and protection from all harm. In fact, the Lord protected Len on a number of occasions from some very close accidents that could have been very serious or fatal. For example, one car pulled out and came within inches of hitting our vehicle from the side as we were driving down a country road, and in a couple of other instances we were protected from very nearly having head-on collisions while on that same road trip. Another example was that Len spilled boiling hot water on his hand, but suffered no harm from it at all, and it did not even leave any mark on his skin. On another day, he smashed the toes of his bare foot very hard on the footboard of the bed in the dark, but the Lord healed him so that there wasn't even a bruise from it, although it hurt for a few hours. He was able to walk fine during the rest of the trip.

There were also a lot of people coughing and sneezing nearby, around and behind Len, in the plane on the way into Albania, and in the car as they traveled (even directly on him), and at one point in the middle of the trip, Len's host Nick got sick with the flu. Yet the Lord protected Len and kept him healthy, so that he did not catch what they were sick with. Praise the Lord!

There were a number of highlights of the trip to Albania, and a few of them are included below.

Len preached one Sunday morning in a small church on the need for the Bride of Christ to be ready for the return of our Bridegroom (pictured above), according to the Parable of the Ten Virgins (short video clip here). Afterward several people came forward for prayer. In fact, nearly everyone who attended the service came forward for prayer, including the pastor's wife Flora, who translated for Len. 

One young lady named Sofia was completely set free. She testified that after receiving the impartation of the Holy Spirit's fire (Mt 3:11; Lk 3:16), she felt completely free, and light like a bird, as well as the mighty power of the Holy Spirit flowing through her from head to toe; she felt love, peace, and joy unspeakable, which she said was the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced. In fact, she said it was so wonderful that she felt like she was floating (see her short video testimony). Also a young man named Fotioni received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire, and afterward he testified that he felt peace. That is what the Bible refers to as the peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). Another man in a wheelchair came for prayer, and afterward said he too, felt peace. There were a number of others as well, including the pastor's wife Flora. Praise God for all that He did in the lives of all the people in that service. 

On another day, the Lord also gave Len the opportunity to meet with Besmir Pepmarku, the pastor of that church where he preached. Together they discussed a number of things, and Len shared with him about how we go about making disciples.

Len also met a disciple named Elvis in a group lunch meeting during the trip and sensed the presence of the Lord as he spoke to him. On another occasion, Len met with him to encourage him, teach him, and impart to him a fresh anointing, including the baptism with holy fire, after which Elvis said he felt peace, as so many others had previously testified to experiencing.

Another highlight was what the Lord did in the lives of a couple named Erwin and Albana, when Len visited with them in their home and prayed for them. Erwin testified that he was very happy, because many spirits came out of him. His wife, Albana, testified joyfully that when she received the baptism with holy fire, she felt heat in her hands and on her head, as well as all throughout her body. She also simultaneously had a vision of yellow light like fire showering down upon her from above (see video). Praise the Lord! Later during the trip, Len met with them again and prayed for Albana's brother after sharing his testimony with the man.

Len also traveled to a small village called Ndroq, which is completely Muslim, except for three Christians. He met with the former mayor of that village, whose name is Afrim (pictured left), in his home. He loves the Lord, and Len had the opportunity to share with him and teach him an effective way to reach the village for Christ through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit. Then Len imparted the baptism of the holy fire, and Afrim said he felt peace afterward. Praise the Lord! He testified that he was thankful for the teaching he received and the power that God gave him.

Len's host Nick also took him to meet for coffee with an Albanian Muslim man from Gaza, named Eiat. They had a conversation together and Len shared the gospel with him. Right now he is very closed to the gospel and strongly opposed Len's message. However, Len's host, Nick, told Len about another such Muslim who would come to the church services to be a disturbance. But then after he had a dream, in which he saw the hands of Jesus, he gave his life to the Lord, and is now saved! Pray that Eiat will come to know Jesus as His Lord and Savior. 

Len also had the privilege of sharing Jesus with a lovely, Muslim, Albanian couple named Baki and Mir, who sat next to him on the plane from Tirana to London. They were raised as atheists, but later took Islam as their religion, and have lived in England for over 25 years now. They were very open to the gospel as they listened to Len share it along with his salvation testimony. And they accepted the gospel tracts that he gave them. Len challenged them to read the Gospels (injil in Arabic), which the Koran says is good for Muslims to read. He encouraged them to ask Jesus to reveal Himself to them. He also encouraged them to check out, where numerous videos are posted of Muslims to whom Jesus has appeared in dreams and visions.

On that same flight from Tirana to London, an interesting coincidence occurred. Len was not able to check into his flight online the day prior to traveling, as is usually the case. But he was able to call British Airways and select his seat on an aisle close to the front of the plane (seat 8C). However, when he received his boarding pass at the airport, it indicated his seat was 11A, which turned out to be a window seat at an emergency exit. So after speaking to the steward, although no other seats on the plane were available, he was allowed to sit in window seat 8A, which was available, so he did. And afterward when Baki and Mir sat down, once Len told them how he ended up in seat 8A, they said that actually Mir preferred to sit by the window, so Len switched places with her, since he prefers to sit in an aisle seat. So in the end, Len ended up in aisle seat 8C, the one that the airline agent had assigned to him over the phone the previous day. As Len said to Baki and Mir, it was not just a coincidence that he sat there, but it was a divine appointment, so that he could share Jesus with them.

Len spent time with his host, Nick, and his wife, Debbie, who are missionaries from Romania to Albania. Len shared with them from his heart about the irreducible core of the church, according to Scripture, and how Jesus taught us to make disciples, especially the Life Transformation Groups that are modeled after His approach. Len also went for a prayer walk with Nick around the entire community where Len was staying during his trip.

Len also gave the Jesus Film DVD, a copy of his salvation testimony, and his book, A Willing Heart to Please the Father, to the Muslim landlady at the apartment he rented, named Ionna ("Yona"), and her partner named Clice. She was very happy to receive it and was looking forward to reading it. Pray that she and Clice will both come to know Jesus.

At a restaurant, Len shared the gospel with two Muslim men that worked there, one of which is named Ishmael. Afterward Len sent a link to Ishmael to his article called The Truth About Islam. The nation of Albania, which was once completely atheist during the days of communism, is now 59% Muslim, which was very evident during Len's trip that happened to coincide with the Muslim holiday of Ramadan. Please pray that Ishmael and his colleague would both come to know the Lord personally as their Lord and Savior.

Len's flight to London was late, which caused him to miss his connecting flight to New York, since the boarding gate had already closed, even though the flight was not due to leave for another 45 minutes! That was stressful, but God caused all things to work together for good, and the airline provided free overnight lodging, meals, and shuttle service to and from the airport. Best of all, they put Len on a flight the next day going directly from London to Raleigh, which was far better than having to take the original circuitous route to Raleigh through JFK. But the real highlight was that Len also gave a copy of his book, his salvation testimony, and/or the Jesus Film DVD, to a maintenance man, who came to his hotel room to deliver an electrical outlet converter, and who was very grateful, as well as joyful, to receive these gifts from his hand. Pray that the Lord will bring salvation to his whole house through these.

Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to Bulgaria (June), England (possibly July), and New Mexico. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in April to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also, as it contains some excellent articles you won't find anywhere else. One minister of the gospel, named Wally Bruder, who received it, replied to Len saying, "THANK YOU for blessing me with all of your priceless treasures straight from the deepest expression of God's consuming heart and transforming love!!! Much love and joy to you in our magnificent Lord!!!! Wally."

We would like to share with you a brief article highlighting the ministries of three of our graduates at the following link.

New Giving Portal
Please note that we now have a GiveSendGo Campaign for Doulos Missions International, which is a new portal for giving financially to this ministry. All contributions are still tax deductible as always. The link for the portal and campaign is here. The donate page on our DMI website and all of Len's blogs now takes you to the GiveSendGo campaign. One way you could help support us besides praying and giving financially is to share this link on social media, as well as with friends and family.

Your prayers and financial support to help make Len's planned missions trips possible would be greatly appreciated.

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing Len's trip to Albania with safe flights, safe ground transportation, good weather, protection from all harm, and with so many wonderful opportunities to share the Lord with people, to preach, teach, and pray for them.
  2. For the amazing testimonies of those who received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire through Len's ministry in Albania.
  3. For the Lord's angelic protection from all sorts of harm the enemy tried to bring, including a few near accidents.
  4. For turning around for good the missed flight on Len's return to the US.
  5. For the amazing testimonies of God's work in the lives of our students, especially the thirty-three people who got saved through the ministry of sister Mwendwa, as well as the 360 who got saved in England on Resurrection Sunday.
  6. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  7. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the salvation of all those who don't know Jesus, whom Len shared the Lord with verbally or in writing, during his trip to Albania, especially Baki and Mir, Albana's brother Mir, Len's Albanian landlord Ionna and her partner Clice, Eiat the Albanian Muslim from Gaza, Ishmael the waiter and his colleague at the restaurant, as well as the maintenance man at the Renaissance Hotel in London. 
  2. For the Lord to powerfully use Afrim to reach his village of Ndroq with the gospel, and that everyone in that place would come to know Jesus.
  3. For the Lord to help Erwin (Albana's husband) find employment.
  4. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, good-paying job in the IT field.
  5. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  6. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  7. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group).
  8. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  9. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the coming weeks and months of 2024.
  10. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to Bulgaria in June, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

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Doulos Missions International
PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

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