Saturday, May 18, 2024

May Update -- 2024

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We're pleased to share with you the wonderful things the Lord has been doing in our lives and ministry. We hope you will read this to the end, as we have lots of praise reports, good news, and prayer requests.

Family: In May, we celebrated Christopher's 19th birthday with cards, cake, gifts, and prayer. 

Christopher was also blessed to be selected as a marshal in this year's college graduation that took place in May. Although he was not graduating this year, his grade point average (GPA) is outstanding, and the school picked only students with a 4.0 GPA to be marshals. His role was to lead the procession of the college faculty to their seats in the auditorium where he seated them. On that same day, he was also inducted into the honor society at the school, known as the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK), while his name was also added to the college President's list. Praise the Lord!

We also took our first family vacation in over a decade, and traveled to West Virginia to visit Jennifer's parents. Christopher and the girls were all able to get time off from work, which was somewhat of a miracle in itself. It was an over-six-hour drive over the road in our vehicle and the girls' car. We had a great visit with her parents, which was such a blessing for all of us to see each other after not having visited for years. However, the enemy tried to stop it from happening in a number of ways. Jennifer, Faith, and Joseph got colds during the couple weeks before we left. Then Christopher got sick with it a couple days before we left. But the Lord healed everyone and kept Len, Hope, and Charity from getting ill, so that we could make the trip.  

Jennifer's mother also had a heart attack right before we traveled. It happened on Mother's Day Sunday, and she ended up in the emergency room, after which they admitted her; but we prayed the prayer of faith for her that she would be out of the hospital and doing fine the next day, beyond all natural expectations to the contrary, and the Lord answered our prayers. Hallelujah! She was back home the next day and doing alright, although she was not allowed to lift anything heavier than a half gallon of milk. The day after she was released from the hospital, was the first day of our two-day visit with her and Jennifer's father in their home. She was very disappointed that she was no longer able to cook all our meals for us during our time there, as she had been planning, but it was still a great visit, and everyone enjoyed it. 

We were also blessed to be able to see Jennifer's brother Jeff and his wife Taryn, and several of their six children while we were were there. We visited with them at their home and had great fellowship together. Interestingly, one of Jeff and Taryn's children, Abigail, is about to go on a missions trip to Albania, where Len just returned from recently. At the end of our visit, we laid hands on Jeff's hands for the Lord to heal them from arthritis, since they have been interfering with his ability to do his work as a self-employed electrician.

Since Jennifer's mother could not cook for us, her parents took all seven of us out to eat at the Olive Garden, where we had a wonderful meal together the night before we had to leave. At the end of the meal, around the time we took the photos, Jennifer's father had a significant medical episode with his heart. But we all laid hands on him and prayed for him, and he was well enough to drive home. This was the first time in seven years (since 2017) that Jennifer had seen her parents and her only brother; while for the rest of our family, we had not seen her brother in about eighteen years (since around 2006). It was a memorable and long overdue family reunion, which we thank God for!

Ministry: As we continue to administer our discipleship training school (DTS), now in its ninth year, we'd like to update you on the good things that God is doing with it. By the grace of God, we currently have disciples in five nations including Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, and the United Kingdom.

On May 18th, Len spoke with sister Catherine, one of our DTS students in England, who had gone street witnessing in Manchester, England earlier that Saturday. With much praying and fasting, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, she went with one of her LTG partners, as well as a pastor and group of believers from a small church called Living Hope Christian Church, who had never been out evangelizing on the streets. Another pastor and his wife from Van Dinter Global Ministries had taught the church how to do street evangelism, and Catherine taught her LTG partner. That day the Lord saved seven people, including six young ladies (ages 19-25) and one middle-aged man through the street-evangelism team. Gospel seeds were also sown with other people they talked with as well. Praise the Lord! 

Catherine has also been speaking to people there about a potential visit from Len, and so far has gotten some positive responses from folks who are open to it. Pray that the remaining people she needs to speak to would also be open, and that the Lord would orchestrate the entire visit, which is currently planned for this summer.

Sister Mwendwa in Kenya shared with Len in May that she started a second LTG, which is wonderful. 

Upcoming Missions Trips
Len is preparing to go on a missions trip to New Mexico (June), England (possibly July), and Bulgaria in the late summer or early fall. Pray that the Lord will allow all those plans to materialize successfully for His glory. Your prayers and financial support to help make Len's planned missions trips possible would be greatly appreciated.

Len also sent out the Old News That's Still Fresh in May to pastors, elders, disciples, and laborers in the harvest in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. We encourage you to read it also.  

In closing, we have much to praise God for, and many opportunities for you to join us in prayer.

Praise the Lord with us for the many answers to prayer:
  1. For blessing us with a wonderful birthday celebration for Christopher.
  2. For the academic honors that Christopher received in college.
  3. For healing the whole family of their sickness in time for our trip, and protecting Charity, Hope, and Len from coming down with it.
  4. For miraculously healing Jennifer's mother from her heart attack that occurred two days before we arrived.
  5. For helping Jennifer's father to drive home after having a medical episode with his heart.
  6. For the wonderful visit we had in West Virginia with Jennifer's parents, as well as her brother and his family.
  7. For safe travels for our whole family during the long road trip to and from West Virginia.
  8. For the seven people who came to Christ through the ministry team that sister Catherine went out onto the streets with in May, and for using her and her LTG partner to lead six out of seven people to Christ. 
  9. For helping sister Mwendwa to find a new LTG partner.
  10. For the opportunity to assist each of our students in becoming disciples of Christ and fulfilling their callings. 
  11. For the Lord's leading, guidance, wisdom, and help administering the Doulos Training School (DTS), and for the progress the students are making.
Prayer needs:
  1. For the Lord to help Christopher to find an excellent, well-paying job in the IT field.
  2. For the Lord to provide for all the needs of our DTS students.
  3. For the Lord to assist us with the administration of the Doulos Training School (DTS), as well as develop through it many disciples who multiply disciples. 
  4. For the Lord to help all of our DTS students to find LTG partners (another Christian to meet with weekly for discipleship in a Life Transformation Group).
  5. For the Lord to fulfill His purposes for us and our ministry.
  6. For the Lord to lead, guide, and provide for ministry travel, as Len makes plans for the coming weeks and months of 2024.
  7. For the Lord to use Len mightily for His glory on his upcoming trip to New Mexico in June, that there would be a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit upon him that will result in the Church being edified, instructed, and encouraged, accompanied by signs and wonders following, as well as the multiplication of many disciples of Christ. And for all the logistical aspects of air and land travel, as well as lodging, that they would be safe, smooth-going, and without incident. 
Thank you so much for your partnership in this ministry.

with love from all of us,

The Lacroixs

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PO Box 5526
Manchester, NH 03108-5526

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